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Everything posted by bobofett13

  1. Thank you all for your input! I'll try a factory reset and re-link the controllers.
  2. The red wire is capped, and the KPL is just being used as a scene controller. I was trying to understand if there was any differences in the functions of the buttons.
  3. Any ideas why the same programming will work for the "SCENE G" button and not the "SCENE A/LOAD" button? This button controls the load, but are there any other differences in the control?
  4. I just did a test and copied the program/scenes to use the "G" button on the KPL. Everything worked as PurdueGuy said. It seems that the output level cannot be adjusted for the KPL "A" button.
  5. I took some time and went through and renamed all scenes and devices. Folders are setup for each room in the house, and the appropriate device/scenes were moved. So it looks like my program is set the same as PerdueGuy's post (#4) and the response is 100% all the time. There is not change in the output level or ramp rate. Is my code following your recommendations? If From 7:30:00PM To 10:30:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Master_Bedroom / SCN.Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom / FL.Light' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom / SCN.Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom / FL.Light' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom / KPL.Light_A' Set 'Master_Bedroom / FL.Light' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom / KPL.Light_A' Set 'Master_Bedroom / FL.Light' 25% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Master_Bedroom / SCN.Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom / FL.Light' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom / SCN.Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom / FL.Light' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom / KPL.Light_A' Set 'Master_Bedroom / FL.Light' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom / KPL.Light_A' Set 'Master_Bedroom / FL.Light' 100% (On Level)
  6. I'll give this a test tonight when I get home. Thanks for your input!! It looks like a good project for the weekend would be renaming everything.
  7. My naming convention is confusing me again... So the text in BLUE would be the KPL button, the text in RED after the set would be the SCENE, and the text in GREEN would be the device (Fanlinc)? Then In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Light_Fanlinc' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Light_Fanlinc' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 25% (On Level)
  8. I noticed my naming convention was not the best and that could be part of my confusion. Now that I read that post again, it looks like I didn't choose the right menu items. I have highlighted the "THEN" statement and want to be clear with your intent. BLUE is the device (in this case fanlinc) and RED would be the scene name. Is my interpretation correct? So the last to lines of the statement have the scene setting the scene's parameters? If From 7:30:00PM To 9:30:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Light_Fanlinc' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Light_Fanlinc' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 25% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Light_Fanlinc' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Light_Fanlinc' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 100% (On Level)
  9. The only point that I wanted to make with the screen shots, was that the program is making changes. But these changes are either programmed wrong or there is a basic step that I'm missing. I'm just getting started with the ISY and trying to learn the tricks for programming it. It looks like this forum has some great resources that are very willing to help. A great place to learn!!
  10. I tried setting the both the controller (KPL) and responder (fanlinc) ON LEVEL and RAMP RATE in the program, but that didn't work either. I'm wondering if the KPL is over-riding the setting in the ISY. My understanding about the Insteon devices is the scene data is stored locally at each device, and then all devices in the scene respond to the scene at the same time. Could this be a case where the ON LEVEL and RAMP RATE are set in the ISY, and not written down to the Insteon devices? Like I mentioned earlier, these parameters seem to be set properly in the ISY (see the screen captures 2 & 3 from initial post). Do you need to command the ISY program to write the new ON LEVEL and RAMP RATE for this to take affect?
  11. It didn't like that either. I modified the code as shown below, and then pressed the KPL button for the light. I can see the time change for the "Last Run Time", but the lights are still running at 100%. If From 7:30:00PM To 9:30:00PM (same day) And Control 'Master_Bedroom_KPL_Light' is switched On Then In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fanlinc_Light' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fanlinc_Light' 25% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fanlinc_Light' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fanlinc_Light' 100% (On Level)
  12. I'd like to try this post again. I posted this question a few weeks ago (with much confusion), and would like to revisit this problem... Here is the setup that I'm trying to control. In the master bedroom, I have a KPL with no connected load with scenes controlling the fanlinc controller. Scene A turns the fanlinc lights on/off. Scenes C through F are for the fan. Scene B is a "Master Light Off" scene. I am trying setup the lighting scene in the master bedroom to run at 100% during the day with a .5 second ramp rate, and at night changing the output to 25% with a 9 second ramp rate. See the program below (Note - I have the time set to 7:00PM to 9:30PM (SAME DAY) for testing. I'm adjusting the early time to make my IF true/false and then saving. Once saved, I run(IF) from the PROGRAM/SUMMARY tab): If From 7:00:00PM To 9:30:00PM (same day)f Then In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 25% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' 100% (On Level) I'm adjusting the times to make the "If" statement true or false. I'm checking the SUMMARY tab and then run(IF) and check the status. As expected, I'm seeing true/false as I would expect (see 1.jpg attached).I check the scene and I'm seeing the output and ramp rate set as expected in both conditions. See 2.jpg and 3.jpg attached. The problem that I'm having is the actual light output does not change for either condition. The light is always at the 100% output and .5 second ramp rate. Is there something else that I need to set for the fanlinc to resond properly?
  13. It it's always true, then the light should be operating at 25% and not 100%. I have made the changes and still cannot get the light ON LEVEL to change.
  14. Still the Time Warp problem... Maybe I should learn to read what I'm coding!
  15. Let's start again. Here is the program as I'm testing it now. FYI - The current time on the ISY is 8:34PM PDT. The summary tab shows the "Last Run Time" as 8:37PM and the status is shown as "TRUE". With the status as "TRUE", I believe we should be on the "Then" branch of the program. But when the KPL button A is pressed the light comes on at 100%. When I click on the scene, the sliders are showing the settings as defined in the "Then" branch, but the light output is shown at 100% If From 7:30:00PM To 9:30:00PM (next day) Then In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Controller' 27% (On Level) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Controller' 6.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) Else In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Controller' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Controller' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate)
  16. I guess that could be a problem... Left over from when I was testing my program, I had the time set from 6:30 to 9:30 (same day). When you look at the scene, the On Level and Ramp are set to the values in the program, but the light comes on at 100%
  17. It looks like my attempt at copying the program didn't work... Here is the manual version of copy/paste... If From 10:30:00PM To 5:30:00AM (same day) Then In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Controller' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Controller' 6.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) Else In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Controller' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' Set 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Controller' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Light' is my scene definition 'Master_Bedroom_Fan_Controller' is the FanLinc FYI - I have made sure that that the Run (if) and Apply are selected from the Summary tab once I make changes.
  18. Hello, I'm new to the ISY and just started working on learning the programming. My first run was going to change the On Level for the master bedroom light based on the time. Between 10:30PM and 5:30AM next day, I wanted to set the On Level 25% and the ramp to 6.5 seconds. The rest of the day, I want the On Level to 100% and ramp at 0.5 seconds. My system in the master bedroom is a KPL (no load attached) and the FanLinc in the ceiling fan. There are 5 scenes setup for the fanlinc, Light On, Fan Low, Fan Med, Fan Hi, and Fan Off. The 4 fan buttons are grouped as mutually exclusive buttons. Button A is set to control the Light scene. The buttons from the KPL are set as controllers in the scene, and then the FanLinc is the responder. <?xml version="1.0" ?><triggers><d2d><trigger><id>6</id><name>Bedroom_Lights Copy Copy</name><parent>3</parent><if><and /><schedule><from><time>63000</time></from><to><time>73800</time></to></schedule></if><then><ldp><controller><group>10018</group></controller><responder><node>23 F AC 1</node></responder><control>OL</control><action>68</action></ldp><ldp><controller><group>10018</group></controller><responder><node>23 F AC 1</node></responder><control>RR</control><action>25</action></ldp></then><else><ldp><controller><group>10018</group></controller><responder><node>23 F AC 1</node></responder><control>OL</control><action>255</action></ldp><ldp><controller><group>10018</group></controller><responder><node>23 F AC 1</node></responder><control>RR</control><action>28</action></ldp></else><comment></comment></trigger></d2d></triggers> Any ideas on what changes are needed to make the KPL/FanLinc play well together.
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