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Everything posted by ctownj30

  1. Looks like this hub is actually a rebranded Automate Pulse Hub v2.
  2. Has anyone integrated with the wireless controller from the Shade Store? They claim integration with a lot of different automation systems but not ISY. Trying to confirm that there is a way to integrate without internet access but not getting much help from their staff. Anyone done this? https://static.theshadestore.com/s3/theshadestore/cms/files/TSS_Motor_-_Wi-Fi_Bridge_Customer_Setup.pdf
  3. Yes, the wait does not seem to have been necessary and does speed it up - all working now - thanks for your help!
  4. Switching to Status is now working! I'm 100% sure I tried this yesterday - even tried using both possibilities with an OR. Its working now, even with the 1 sec. wait. Although I do see that it takes 3 or 4 seconds for the program to complete running. Could be a signaling issue. Could to look into that. Thanks for your help!
  5. Very simple program: GateRelayOff - [ID 003C][Parent 003B] If 'Outdoors / zwGateSwitch / zwGateSwitchRelay' is switched On Then Wait 1 second Set 'Outdoors / zwGateSwitch / zwGateSwitchRelay' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') zwGateSwitchRelay is a simple Zwave on/off switch. It controls a gate so I just need a momentary on/off. It works perfectly and responds fine if I just turn it off then off. I (think) I've done exactly this in the past but for some reason this program does not work. Does not respond in any way when I switch the relay on (either in the ISY UI, of via Home Assistant, which accesses ISY). What could I be missing? Beating my head on this dumb thing.
  6. Ok - going "full factory" - thanks!
  7. I recently moved and rather than do a factory reset of my ISY, I simply deleted all devices (Insteon and Zwave) so that as I rebuild things, I can have access to all my old programs as models (and to avoid doing the high level config again). I have one zwave device that will not delete for some reason. I can delete it and it disappears, but when I log out and back in, it shows back up. Its strange too because I'm not even totally sure this is a device I ever had in the first place (don't think I had anything with a Glass Break Alarm or Intrusion Alarm???). Any idea what is going on here? Also, am I going to regret not just doing a factory reset before rebuilding? Thanks! -dan
  8. +1 bought it and it does not work with ISY
  9. I'd really like my nighttime program to be able to stop Chromecast playback (specifically, stop the music playing on a particular Chromecast Audio). I've read about using Polyglot but this seems like adding a lot of complexity to my setup to get one feature. Is there no other way to accomplish this? I'm about to just put the Chromeast on a power switch and have my isy simply turn it off (and turn it back on in the morning).
  10. Update: talking to SmartHome rep: this is a known issue. Says even if he sent me a new one, it would have the same problem. They may or may not have a solution pending - basically its just a known bug. Looks like my only solution (assuming I want the features that DC-power allow) is to use two separate z-wave thermostats and set up an ISY program to let one control the other. Annoying.
  11. Played with this some more and here's a status update. Based on LFMc's suggestion I started looking at the power setup. First I disconnected the power and put the batteries back in. Ran for 5 days like with with zero random Master switching - ok so it must be my power supply. Switched to a different power supply (this one 1 amp; previous was only 200 mAh) - same problem - 2 random Master switches in one day. Tried putting the batteries back in (so battery and external power applied) and still getting Master-switching. So basically whenever something is providing external power, I get random switching. Given all of this, seems like I have to conclude that there is something wrong with the wireless unit, unless anyone has any new ideas! Thanks - djm
  12. I may have figured it out. With the wireless unit set to Master, if I adjust the temperature on the wired unit via the ISY (actually using MobilLinc Pro for Android), it will set the wired unit to Master in the process. As we determined way above, you should be able to adjust the temp on either unit and it will keep them in sync, but for some reason when going through the ISY it changes the Master status to the wired unit. It does not seem to work the other way around (i.e.: if I then adjust the temp on the wireless unit via the ISY, Master does NOT revert to the wireless unit). If this is just how it works, surprised others are not running into this.
  13. Thanks for the help everyone. The 2441THZ wireless unit is on external 5V power (with no batteries installed). Incidentally, the issue seemed to start after I switched to external power, but could be coincidence. The Wireless unit is definitely losing Master status (not confusion about temperatures). The wireless unit will be the Master (as noted by a big font Master in the center of the screen on the wireless unit, and a small font Master on the wired unit at the top of the screen). Then, hours later and seemingly spontaneously, the roles will have switched themselves (big Master on the wired unit, little Master on the wireless, and the wired unit clearly in charge).
  14. Yup, they are manually linked and working correctly in that regard. Its just that the wired unit will spontaneously take over Master status. I make the wireless Master again (hold Master button till it beeps and Master shows up in the middle of the screen) and things are fine for a while until it happens again.
  15. Everything has been working fine but I'm seeing one issue: I have (and always want) the wireless unit to be the Master. Three times now the wired unit has spontaneously reverted to the Master unit for no obvious reason. I thought maybe my wife was monkeying with buttons but then it happened while she was away. Its a pretty big problem: suddenly its 78 degrees in the baby's room instead of 68... Any idea what is going on?
  16. Thanks LFMc and Techman - answered all my questions - all is installed now and working just like you said it would.
  17. I've been using ZWave thermostats but I'm switching to a 2441TH with 2441ZTH wireless unit. The wireless unit will be the "Master" almost all of the time (putting it in a baby's room to maintain constant temperature). I'm having trouble getting a clear understanding of how these two units work together, and how they will work with the ISY - I've been reading through forums but still have questions: With the Wireless unit set as Master, if I physically adjust mode (heat/cool) and temperature settings on the Wired unit, will it automatically adjust the settings on the Wireless unit (or do those changes have no effect, since the Wired unit is not Master)? I've read that the Wireless unit does not report its current settings (mode, current temperature/humidity, current heat/cool point) unless you press buttons on it (as a power saving feature) - is that really true? Does that mean I cannot look at my ISY and see the current settings, etc.? In the ISY, once this is set up, I assume that I will see both the Wired and Wireless units listed as thermostats. With the Wireless unit set as Master, if I wanted to change the heat/cool setpoint, mode, etc., would I make that change in the ISY to the Wireless unit, the Wired unit, or does it not matter which I change? Hoping someone can clear this up for me. I've already bought the units but have not fully switched to them yet. Thanks - Dan
  18. Thanks stusviews - I simply had not scrolled down far enough (I have MANY devices so the list is very long) - figured I was doing something stupid but so many things online telling me to select "Insteon" (which I guess this version does not have) I was led astray. -dan
  19. Nope, running 4.5.1. Unfortunately none of my scenes are listed under Your Devices - simply trying to activate a Scene in a Then/Else of a program - swear I've done this before.
  20. When I click on Action shouldn't I have an Insteon option where I can select a scene I can control? What am I missing here? Thanks - Dan
  21. Wow, I would have never thought of that. I some times think having general programming skills is a hindrance with the ISY since the statements work so differently than they would in your typical program language. thanks for the help
  22. This seems like such a simple problem but I'm stumped. I've got an Insteon motion sensor that watches my driveway. It is set to only send On commands. When it senses motion I want it to ring a bell once (the bell part is all working fine), which I do so like this: Set 'Kitchen.Den / Bell Relay' On Wait 4 seconds Set 'Kitchen.Den / Bell Relay' On When motion is detected, I want it to run that sequence only once for any 30 second period. I'm having trouble creating a program that suppresses any addition motion senses from ringing the bell within 30 sec of the first bell ring. I won't confuse this by posting code for the various things I've tried; but needing to use the WAIT causes my If to be re-evaluated which messes up my attempts to set variables and such to stop subsequent bell rings - this seems like a simple problem so hopefully someone has a simple solution. Thanks - djm
  23. Z-Wave Dakota Alert sounds excellent. For now, I've decided to go with Insteon sensors. The one on the front porch will be sheltered. For the one on the driveway, I actually have an older Dakota Alert sensor/enclosure that is not functional, so I plan to just pull out the sensor and put the Insteon sensor in its place. Thanks for the help.
  24. I want to place two motion sensors outdoors: one to detect someone coming up my driveway, and one to detect someone walking up my front porch. I've used older Dakota alert systems with a lot of success. I've also used the Insteon motion sensors with a lot of success indoors. Trying to decide whether I should use Dakota alerts with the IO Linc, or use some cheap Insteon sensors in some clear-faced waterproof enclosures. Range is not a factor (both are very close to the house). Worried about reliability and false alerts with the Insteon sensors outdoors - does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks - djm
  25. Thanks for the advice - it sounds like best just to stick with the Elk system. I may go the M1EZ route as I do not have many zones, and I do not need any sort of voice control (no phone line so will likely need cellular monitoring anyway).
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