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Everything posted by kwb007

  1. Bob, I just installed the Weatherflow Tempest weather station and your node server. Everything is working nicely. Any chance of adding the Evotranspiration calc to the Weatherflow node server? Ken
  2. Paul and Giomania...thank you so much for the boot in the backside to figure out how to use the Irrigation Module. It took a few hours to sort out how to use it and what the parameters were for my system but it was certainly worth it. It is far far superior to my previous timed based programs. Here's what I did... The write up on the HAM Weather module is key (https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series_INSTEON:HAM_Weather). Read completely and then follow the steps. First, I had to sort out how much water is being deposited per minute per zone. If the system is laid out proper with good overlap, then it doesn't matter how many heads you have, only they type of head and pattern. I have two types, 180 head sprayers (12DSH) and the big rotating one (M2045A). The former deposits water at 2" per hour. The later deposits at 0.70" per hour. Fortunately, I mostly have one type of head per zone so I can time each zone to deposit 0.4" of water per irrigation cycle which works out to 12 min for the popups and 35 min for the rotators. This gives me the timing for each zone assuming that I want to deposit 0.4" of water. Next step was to reset the irrigation module. Following the wiki's instructions. Reset Irr Req Counter - [ID 001C][Parent 001B] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Irrigation - Reset Variables Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Run Then path and you're reset. Verify by refreshing the weather data in the Climate module and check the Irrigation Requirement. It should be 0. Next, setup the Irrigation Module. I used Penman-Monteith, Interior Plains, 80% absorption, 0.6 crop coefficient and 0.4" of water applied per cycle. The new trigger program is much more simple. Irrigation Req Trigger - [ID 0024][Parent 001B] If Time is 3:00:00AM And Module 'Climate' Irrigation Requirement >= 0.35 inches Then Run Program 'Irrigation Plan 0.4' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The irrigation plan is in another program to ensure it completes after the trigger criteria are no longer meet. Note that I trigger the program at 0.35" Irrigation Requirement to account for errors in my assumptions (who really know how much water pressure varies...) The new Irrigation program is substantially more simple as well. Irrigation Plan 0.4 - [ID 001D][Parent 001B] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Send Notification to 'Ken's email' content 'Irrigation Soak 0.4 Plan' Set 'Irrigation / Zone 1' On Wait 12 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 2' On Wait 12 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 3' On Wait 35 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 4' On Wait 12 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 5' On Wait 12 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 6' On Wait 12 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 7' On Wait 12 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 7' Off Irrigation - Cycle Complete Send Notification to 'Ken's email' content 'Irrigation Finished' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Drivers irrigation valves for 0.4" deposit irrigation cycle. Sends notification of start and finish. The program is triggered elsewhere to ensure the irrigation plan completes after the trigger criteria are no longer meet. It also reduces the chance of an accidental start. Note that I add "Irrigation - Cycle Complete" at the end of the program to tell the Irrigation Model to that 0.4" of water has been deposited on the yard. I've had it running for about a month now and it's been fantastic. It behaves exactly as expected. I can watch the rain fall totals and the evaporation add at the end of the day and the see exactly when I reach the 0.35" irrigation requirement. When the irrigation system runs, the Irrigation Requirement counter resets to 0. I couldn't be happier. It even got the wife's seal of approval since the yard looks wonderful.....and it's saved us a ton of cash. Thank you PaulBates and Giomaia for the guidance.
  3. If I move the watering time to 3am, then I loose the variable Total Rain Today. Can I use Irrigation Requirement as a replacement? For example, If Irrigation Requirement is >0.0, then run irrigation programs?
  4. I did the same thing. It allowed me to reuse their 24V transformer.
  5. Paul, Thank you so much! You are correct on all accounts. I've changed to "Total Rain Today" which is the historical variable. (Can't believe I screwed that up.). In the past, I've used both the historical and forecast but, inevitably, our weather would change and I'd skip a needed watering. So I'm failing safe and watering when needed even if there may be rain in the forecast. In fact, the ezrain controller acts as you described so I'll slim down the code. BTW, have you looked at the DarkSky's node server? I've got it integrated successfully but it only provides current and forward variables so it's not very helpful. I really need a historical measure of rainfall. Not sure if it's a DarySky's limitation or simply how the node server was written. Really appreciate the help. Ken
  6. Frank, I'm using the Smartenit Insteon-Compatible EZFlora 8-Zone Sprinkler Controller. It integrates nicely into the ISY which I use to control my 7 zones. Ken
  7. Here's the overall structure. In the Irrigation folder, the "Irrigation Engines" folder contains the programs that control the irrigation valves, the "Irrigation Trigger" folder contains the programs that determine which program to run. This structure is needed to ensure that the irrigation plans fully completes after the trigger events are no longer valid. No integer or state variables are needed. However you do need the Weather Module installed and to setup email notifications. My irrigation valves are controlled by an EZRain/EZFlora Irrigation Controller v.28 on an ISY 994 running 15.0.5A firmware. The Irrigation Trigger programs are pretty straightforward. Every MWF, the irrigation system will run. One of three irrigation plans runs based on the daily high temp. On STTS the irrigation system may runs if the daily high temp is over 85F. However, if it's rained over 0.2" in the past 24 hours, any planned irrigation event is not run. The Normal Irrigation program only runs on MWF at 10pm if the daily high temp is between 85F and 60F and it hasn't rained more than 0.2" in the last 24 hours. Normal Irrigation - [ID 0022][Parent 001E] If On Mon, Wed, Fri Time is 10:00:00PM And Module 'Climate' 24h Rain <= 0.2 " And Module 'Climate' High Temperature <= 85 °F And Module 'Climate' High Temperature >= 60 °F Then Run Program 'Normal Plan ' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The High Temp Irrigation program runs every day at 10pm when the daily high temp is >85F and it hasn't rained more than 0.2" in the last 24 hours. High Temp Irrigation - [ID 001F][Parent 001E] If Time is 10:00:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature > 85 °F And Module 'Climate' 24h Rain <= 0.2 " Then Run Program 'High Temp Plan' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Low Temp Irrigation program only runs on MWF at 10pm when max temp is below 60F, it hasn't rained more than 0.2" in the last 24 hours and the current temp is over 40F. Low Temp Irrigation - [ID 0023][Parent 001E] If On Mon, Wed, Fri Time is 10:00:00PM And Module 'Climate' 24h Rain <= 0.2 " And Module 'Climate' High Temperature < 60 °F And Module 'Climate' Temperature > 40 °F Then Run Program 'Low Temp Plan' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The Normal Plan controls the valves when invoked by the the Normal Irrigation program. First is sends notification to my email which program is starting, it then runs each zone for a specific amount of time and sends a notification that the program has finished. Normal Plan - [ID 0050][Parent 002B] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Send Notification to 'Both Emails' content 'Normal Irrigation' Set 'Irrigation / Zone 1' On Wait 8 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 1' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 2' On Wait 8 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 2' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 3' On Wait 10 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 3' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 4' On Wait 8 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 4' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 5' On Wait 10 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 5' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 6' On Wait 5 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 6' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 7' On Wait 8 minutes Set 'Irrigation / Zone 7' Off Send Notification to 'Both Emails' content 'Irrigation Finished' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The High Temp Plan and Low Temp Plan are identical but have different timing for each zone and send the corresponding notification. The Stop Sprinklers program is my emergency stop button to shut down the sprinkler system. Its stops all the plans and shuts all the valves. Stop Sprinklers - [ID 0006][Parent 0030] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Stop program 'High Temp Plan' Stop program 'Normal Plan ' Stop program 'Low Temp Plan' Set 'Irrigation / Zone 1' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 2' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 3' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 4' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 5' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 6' Off Set 'Irrigation / Zone 7' Off Send Notification to 'Both Emails' content 'Irrigation Finished' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Finally, it's nice to know that when the sprinkler system should be running but doesn't due to the rain override, it sends a notification to me. That function is contained in Rain Test. It's code follows: Rain Test - [ID 0057][Parent 001E] If ( On Mon, Wed, Fri Time is 10:00:00PM And Module 'Climate' 24h Rain > 0.2 " ) Or ( On Sat, Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri Time is 10:00:00PM And Module 'Climate' High Temperature > 85 °F And Module 'Climate' 24h Rain > 0.2 " ) Then Send Notification to 'Both Emails' content 'No Irrigation' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') That's it. I hope that you find it useful.
  8. Thanks, Paul. I'll do that now.
  9. I finally got around to rewriting my irrigation program. Given I got my first program from the this forum, I thought I'd post it for those that are looking for one. As noted on other posts, the programs that control the valves are separated from the initiation programs to ensure the irrigation plan completes after the trigger criteria are no longer meet. I have 7 zones at my house and each requires a different amount of water. There are three different irrigation plans based on the high temp of the day. The irrigation plan is run at 10pm but bypassed if it's rained materially. Notifications are sent to my email indicating which program is running and when it completes. The is also an "emergency stop" button for when the wife yells at me to "shut off the $%^# sprinklers". I'm running 15.0.5A firmware. Please let me know if you have any feedback. Irrigation.v5.0.15A__Thu 2019.08.01 10.10.02 AM.isy
  10. I'm having the exact same issue. I've replaced the batteries, queried the insteon engine and with no impact. Anyone else having the same issue?
  11. I've gone through the process of selecting a new HamWeather station nearest my home. It appears that MID_E2871 is closest to Winnetka, IL. Unfortunately, the data feed is not working. I've done this a number of times. I've also selected the Glenview, IL location which also is not updating. Any help would be appreciated.
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