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Everything posted by clyford454

  1. Hello Michel, "Just to make sure I understand the issue: Admin Console freezes IF AND ONLY IF your computer goes to sleep mode?" I believe this is the case. I was not aware the AC was not intended to be left open, I like it up for control from my PC. One slight improvement since the beginning, although I still have to re-start it, with the latest version I do not have to use Task Manager, the corner X works so it is a simple re-start. Thanks for the feedback.
  2. Hello again, Now running current Admin console (4.2.2), no change, still locks up and has to be re-started after being unattended for a bit. PC is unattended frequently, disabling sleep is not a reasonable option.
  3. Hello again. I cleared Java as suggested. I then try and start Admin Console through the dashboard and it is blocked by windows. "Publisher no recognized" I have a shortcut link I installed on my task bar that goes direct to the Admin Console (can't remember where I got it), if I click it, it re-down loads the same old 4.0.11 console and it runs fine. How to get to 4.2.2 is less than clear. Thanks.
  4. Hello, I am new to the forum. I have searched for this problem but no luck finding a thread. Equipment and software: ISY 994i/Pro Firmware: UI: v.4.0.11 Java: Version 7 Update 55 Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit Issue: If I leave the admin console running unattended it is usually frozen when I return. Is this caused by the PC sleeping? All of the buttons are gray and it will do nothing except shut down with the corner x. One note, I recently upgraded the firmware and Java, before that the problem was the same but then I had to actually force shut down with task manager, no controls worked in the admin console. Any help would be appreciated. No other issues, just tired of re-starting all the time.
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