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  1. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to speed up the execution of the programs I have defined on the ISY. Right now it takes a second or so from the time the action is triggered until the program is evaluated and the result executed. While I could understand that kind of a delay on a very complex program, the one I have just has two comparisons to make, yet still takes that second. Specifically what I have is this. One of the buttons on my mini-keypad is linked to my office light. Pressing this to turn the light on or off is basically instantaneous. I then linked this same button to a program which evaluates two things - first is the right button pressed and seconds is the time between sunset and sunrise (meaning its dark outside). If those are both true it then turns the lights on in the room outside my office, waits one minute then turn that light off. The program looks like this: ------ If From Sunset to Sunrise (next day) And ( Control 'Keypad - A' is switched On or Control 'Keypad - A' is switched Off ) Then Set 'Front Room Light' On Wait 1 minute Set 'Front Room Light' Off Else - No Actions - ------ Like I said pretty simply. But due this delay, what happens that when I click the button the light in the office goes out (or on) immediately and about a second later the Front Room light comes on (assuming its dark). I know I could put the control of the office light into the program, which would let both actions occur at the same time, but there still would be that delay, but this time between the time the button is pressed to when anything would happen. So, can these programs be sped up, pre-compiled for example, to let them run faster? Thanks, Peter
  2. doh - I was SO overthinking this, trying to find some action like 'toggled'.... thanks....
  3. Is it possible to trigger a program when a button on a mini-remote (8 button version) is pressed, regardless if the press is for an on or an off state? Right now I have a pair of programs (one for on and another for off) that is triggered when I press the designated button on my Mini Remote, and if the action of the button was for an on or off event. Since these two programs are identical (with only one element changing), I'd like to combine the programs into one and use the Status value of the button for the actual on/off function. If it helps here is one of the programs: --------- If Control 'Keypad-Peter - A' is switched Off And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'Music Room Overhead Light' On Set 'Peter's Office - Room Lights' Off Wait 1 minute Set 'Music Room Overhead Light' Off Else Set 'Peter's Office - Room Lights' Off ---------- This is identical to the On version, with the only difference being to turn on the 'Peter's Office - Room Light' to On.
  4. What type of bulbs are the most noise generating out there? Are all CFL's created equal, or are some better than others?
  5. Ah, when you talked about the load being the issue, I took that literally - thinking it was the amount of power, not thinking of the noise the bulbs can generate. I will test it with some incandescent bulbs (assuming I can find a few left in the house ), but it will have to wait a few days, as I'm about to go in for surgery and will be recovering for at least next few days to week. However, thinking about the issue - if the problem is the signal getting through the AC lines, then wouldn't another solution be to change this switch out to a proper dual-mode Insteon switch? That way if the AC signals do not make it through, they should through the wireless signalling?
  6. No way it's the load. It's connected to two light fixtures by my front door. Each fixture has three CFL bulbs in it, each rated around 7 watts. No way that 42 watts is overloading this switch!
  7. Hum, ok that makes sense - and frankly I should have thought of that as well... However, the particular device happens to be a simple toggle switch, specifically 2466S. In fact I have another identical switch, but that never shows up this additional node information. The only reason I am "worried" about this, is that this particular switch is giving me some issues. I have moved it twice now, but in all locations it works great when getting an On signal, but always fails when I try to send it an Off signal! Since presumably the communications path should be the same for either and On or and Off command, it is quite odd that only one ever works consistently. Is this kind of behavior normal for when a device is failing?
  8. I noticed that after adding one of my devices to the ISY, it put a .1 after the unit's serial number. Specifically the serial number is 29.F5.81, but shows up as 29.F5.81.1! Is there a reason for that? For what its worth the device is working fine but I'm curious why the ISY did that, and why it has not done that with any other devices I have... Thanks!
  9. I have a small Insteon setup, using a base ISY994i to control things. So far I have been able to get all of my switches and dimmers working, but am consistently seeing an error I neither understand nor can fix. One of the items I have is a 4-button Mini Remote, model 2342-2. Currently I have two of its buttons linked to two scenes, and it works just fine. However, every time I make any change in the ISY and it does its updates, I get the same error, specifically "Cannot communicate with Keypard - A (xx.xx.xx). Please check connections." (attached screenshot of the error.) As soon as the write finishes, and I dismiss the error, I can push any of the buttons on the remote and it sends it signal to the ISY, activates the scene and is no longer marked as in error... The only possible problem I see is that the remote is model 2342-x, but in the ISY it shows up as "2444A2 RemoteLink2 Keypad, 4 Scene v.37". However when I added it to the ISY, I did not see the 2342 as an option, so the only way to add it was as this other model. Any idea why this might be happening or how to fix it? Or do I just have to live with it?
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