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Everything posted by bwbeisne

  1. Perfect!!! Thank you all so much!! Got it going. I only have to do minor cleanup on my other programs and scenes. The new firmware inserted a few odd things that wouldn't let the programs save. All is function well now!!
  2. Oh!! So hold down the set button and press 'write changes' in the console? OR long press set to put it in linking mode then write changes?
  3. Ok. I have successfully upgraded FW/UI to 5.3.3 and I am able to add the MS II correctly. The onboard temp sensor is a cool new feature. Lot's of possibilities there. I still cannot change the responder off time using the MS II options from the Admin Console. I suspect that the two 'time' related parameters are not for setting the time period to send an off command to the responder. I see 'Off Button Timeout' and 'Timeout' under motion. I have tried setting both and the MS II still turns off the responder in 30 seconds. My goal here is to set time period for sending the off signal to 20 minutes (1200s) instead of 30s. Is this not possible without buying an Insteon hub?
  4. Thank you guys! I knew I'd get good info here. Wow! V5 and up?? I need to do some reading and catch up before upgrading I think.
  5. Good morning ISY world. I am having a heck of a time getting a 2844-222 Motion II to work as I need. Directly linking to responder works fine BUT the default off timer is 30s. Way too short. Having no way to adjust off time with the 'set' button I decided to link it into my ISY. It looks to add correctly and I do see status but I get a ton of errors trying to set device params. Errors shown below in order UDI/FW: 4.9.0 ISY 994i 1. After clicking device options - Error - request failed 2. I hit OK and I can then see device options AND it even shows the values set from the previous attempt, 20min timeout and 'as motion is sensed' is checked. Is this stored in the admin console? 3. with all the above the actual sensor behavior is still stock at 30 seconds to off signal. It seems the sensor is not correctly represented in ISY. I have tried both 'auto detect' and manual selection of 2842-222, which is not exact but the only device listed. I have a 2844-222. Yes, I know I can create a program to handle this and I do use the ISY to handle my indoor motion sensors. I have many motion sensors of the old version and I don't want or need a program for each. I do, however need to set the 'OFF' time on all new motion sensors. Hopefully without buying an $80 Insteon hub to do so. Any ideas you guys might have would be awesome. Thank you
  6. Nice. I'll take a look at that. I saw a .pdf for all possible alexa/isyportal spoken commands. But no guidance for creating good spoken names Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  7. Hi guys! Long time. Happy New Year!! I just finished bringing my ISY up to current with ISYportal and Alexa. Still using Mobi on the tablet as home base. I currently have Izzy/Alexa controlling devices, programs, variables and scenes. All works well except scenes. See below. In general here are a few things I've noted as odd, some ongoing questions and a general curiosity in others experiences with Alexa and Izzy. -Is it just me or is Alexa extra picky w/ scene spokens? Works well: entertainment, all lights, tv time Doesn't Work at all: entertain, everything, every thing, dusk -Why does alexa/izzy recognize a scene name enough to turn it on... And seconds later can't find the device to turn off? -Are there any fun spokens you guys are using that work well? None of these work well here. It was fun trying though. I wanna party, I want to party, Let's party all a no go with alexa. Runners up, turn on happy hour and we have guests. Pffft. no go. -Groups? Lighting scene and music macro? Has anyone had luck with an Alexa group or any other method of creating an Alexa macro? Set scene, play music -Setpoint control? Why can't I set my dimmable devices to an absolute setpoint? Set lamp to 75%... I can however dim or brighten all of my non relay devices? -Alexa looses her shit on a daily basis. Usually around dinnertime. Is this due to the 'primetime' load on the Amazon voice/cmd engine? It doesn't really seem to be the ambient noise level in the house. strange sounds, popping, screech, in responses and music basically not recognizing commands well during this time clears up after dinner. like clockwork. Even with the quirks Alexa/Izzy up and running is the coolest thing ever!!! Go UDI!!
  8. I just tried the shoebox method and got an 'ON'. Sweet. Thx. I don't remember what sensitivity is stored currently. Stay tuned... ))
  9. Hello. I have been focusing on many motion related tasks lately. I have some pretty nice functionality working for both the interior and exterior of my home. But... No matter what I try I cannot get a state change for Dusk/Dawn. Sensor config is full SW (jp5) Always sense is checked Light or dark. Here is what I know: (please correct me if I'm wrong here..) -Dusk/Dawn should = Off when bright -0 being darker, 128 being lighter -Takes 3-5 minutes to respond to light changes I have tried setting the threshold to reasonable and extreme limits on both the high and low side. I then placed the sensor under a bright light lamp for 10 minutes or so each time. Bright Environment w/ sensitivity set to 96 - no change Bright Environment w/ sensitivity set to 32 - no change Bright Environment w/ sensitivity set to 120 - no change Bright Environment w/ sensitivity set to 10 - no change I really want to trigger scenes with motion if it's cloudy or dim inside and I'm at a loss to get this status into the ISY. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  10. Ok. So a scene is a link or group of links then? One controller or trigger and one or many responders.
  11. Ok. I historically have not used scenes. I have only directly linked buttons & devices. As far as automation I simply use programs in the ISY to individually set each device to a certain level when needed. I have never really understood the idea of scenes and would like to. I feel like I'm missing out on higher level functionality. Am I? My install is simple with only 22 devices. I think it's hard to create a 'scene' with only one controlled light in a room. What am I missing? or not understanding..
  12. Any thoughts on the second question?
  13. Good morning. I am making good progress but have a few simple questions: 1. Does a factory reset of a device remove all links in that device? 2. What is the difference between a scene and a link? Are these synonymous?
  14. Ok. In trying this I found one thing I'd like to do. How can I, from a program turn the Master Light.C button back to off. Ie. not lit. I see >Insteon >Set Master Light.C > on 0 / off 0 (backlight level) but this doesn't seem to do anything. I don't understand what the different options here represent on 6 / off 0 etc.. I thought it was simply on/off state or led levels for each but they don't do anything. Switch remains the same.
  15. OH! That makes sense. Ty. I'll try that today.
  16. Hi. I've been trying to add a some new functionality to my install. I have a 5 button keypad link. One button is labeled Panic. The intent is to trigger a program called 'all lights on'. This is easy and works fine. I want to have a coded exit point for this panic state that requires something like the following. A simple toggle of one button is fine but ultimately I want to incorporate a second button. If you guys can show me how to get this working I can go from there. Tia. 'Panic Exit Program' Master Light.C is switched OFF wait for Master Light.C = ON wait for Master Light.C = OFF THEN Run > Panic Exit Program I find it difficult sometimes in this environment to accomplish tasks that should be really easy. Am I the only one? Motion for instance, what a nightmare. I've given up using the ISY for this and just have them directly linked. It always seems to come back to nesting limitations. Thoughts?
  17. Thanks for the help. Pretty close. You also have to clear the cache and all previous certificates for it work again. Thank you again though))
  18. ISY99i - can't launch admin console after Java update. I was going to upgrade to 4.0.5 and it said I needed to update Java first which I did. Now I cannot access my ISY except through the normal web server. When I launch the Admin console I first get a security warning saying the JAR file manifest does not contain the permissions attribute. On this screen I can check 'I accept this risk' and 'don't show again'. When I do this the ISY base Java page stops and says 'error. click for details.' This reads 'missing required permissions manifest attribute in main jar: my isyip/insteon.jar I have tried to following to get back online with it: -completely removed java, rebooted -reinstalled java to current win64 -tried 'install admin console from web server' I'm not familiar w Java at all and I'm not sure where to start with this. Any help would be great. Ty.
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