Upgrade took a long time and I was on the latest and once complete I rebooted. After an hour or so and not getting the notification I set up to let me know my programs are running I logged into the AC. I would then try to login to PG3x and the AC would immediately pop up a busy window and PG3x would give an error and not let me login. Meanwhile I was getting notifications that plugins were starting but much much slower than a normal reboot. Once I got the last one I was finally able to login to PG3x and 3 plugins were not running and hitting start would result in a message saying it was already running. So I rebooted again and that reboot went like normal, quick start up and notification that my programs were running came in the timeframe it should. I went back to PG3x and Holiday, Wake-On-Lan and Ping were still not showing as running. Stopping, starting, restarting, nothing worked so I just reinstalled them individually and now all is good.