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Everything posted by brucesprague
Bingo! That WAS too easy....right under my nose. Now my time is correct. Life is good. thanks, Bruce
I noticed that things were going on and off about ten minutes late, and note that the time in the Administrative Console is off by about 10 mins from the computer actual time......so I assume the ISY controlling the schedules is off by that too. I can live with things being off by 10 minutes, but is there anyway to get the ISY synced with the actual computer time? I would have assumed that merely booting up the Console would pick up the right time. thanks, Bruce
thanks Bryan and mdcastle......on resetting the LL, I have let it sit unplugged for hours, and when you plug it back in, the LED still does not come on.....this unit is toast. On the maid plugging in a vac to this unit.....no, that did not happen....this unit is way out of sight from such happenings. The unit has just died on it's own, with only about 150 watts on it. There is another LL plugged in right next to it, and it is working just fine, so go figure. thanks, Bruce
....well, this LL did just die.....last night the lights did not work....I thought the maid had just turned off the lights manually, but that was not it. First clue....the little LED on the LL was not lit. Swapped it out with a new one, reprogrammed ISY, and all was well again. These things are warranted for 2 years, so I guess SmartHome will give me a new one.
thanks guys......AFTER I went to all the trouble of doing it the old fashioned way, it dawned on me that this function might have been what I REALLY should have used to save a LOT of time....well, you live and learn. Say, have any of you guys had a Lamplinc just die on you? thanks, Bruce
Well, I had my first casualty....one of my Lamplincs went south, and stopped working. Put a new one in, and redid all the linking and fixing the scenes and such. Two questions: 1. Instead of my having to reset all the ramps and scenes and such associated with this Lamplinc...could I have used that "replace (the old bad Lamplinc) with (the new Lamplinc)" menu command...and that would have saved me some trouble by automatically fixing all the ramps and scenes.....is that what this command is for? 2. Anyone have some stats on how many of these Lamplincs go bad after only 2-3 months of use? thanks, Bruce
Michel....if there is a way....you will figure it out. thanks, Bruce
Is there anyway to create a trigger or something to turn a device off after a set time? For example, I would like to turn my bathroom lights OFF after 60 minutes (SwitchLinc dimmer) AFTER someone turns the lights ON. thanks, Bruce
Michel.....yep, I found it....I missed it in my list, which is very long. thanks, Bruce
Michel....I have read everything, and tried everything, but HOW do you set up a schedule to do an ALL OFF for MY LIGHTING group? When I go into set up a schedule, My Lighting is not in the group list.....or maybe I just answered this....do I have to create a "scene" with every blessed device in it? And then, how do you schedule the ALL OFF? thanks, Bruce
Michel.....as usual, thanks. More stuff for you to some day put in your documentation! thanks, Bruce
Rand, thanks for the info. On my brother....no, just him in the house (unless the cat is running around pressing the set button)....but he said he is always having to "relink" stuff after the storm goes by...I will probe further, does not sound right. Like I said, my son has no problems like you....and so far me too (power has been out once since I installed).
Rand, thanks. So.....if not updated in the "query", at least I can "update" a device with the "restore" function if needed (and need to do the "air gap" for all devices except the KPL...right)? On power failures....my brother who has some Insteon devices, he says that many times he has to "relink" things....but I also have a son with much Insteon stuff, and he has never "lost" his links after the power went off. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Have you or anyone else out there had an Insteon device "lose" its memory for any reason?
HAS, thanks for your reply, and the different ways you can access the ISY firmware. I guess that the Administrative Console is burned into the firmware....I was wondering if by going via the URL link to UD, it was getting it from there. Is this right Michel? Back to my original question on functions of the ISY and malfunctions of it....I indeed experimented and do see how all my scenes and ramps throughout my house work after I have unplugged my ISY from the system. So all ramps and levels and scene information is stored on the LOCAL device (amazing....each Insteon device is like its own computer). And the ISY is ONLY used to "program" the stuff...along with being the "controller" for schedules and triggers....right? Question here...I know that each local Insteon device is supposed to have non-volitile memory....but what happens if some power surge or something wipes this information out from that local device (loses its memory). Does ISY, when it Queries the system, in addition to seeing the on off state, ALSO valid that the scene information is intact, and does it upload it if it is not correct? thanks, Bruce
Rand, thanks. Ok....that makes sense, the LOCAL controller DOES get its own standalone links and WILL work without the ISY. I may try and unplugging my ISY and see what happens. And on the schedules and triggers, I did figure that the ISY is the controller, and must be functioning for these to work. Now, back to why I need to hit the UD URL to access my ISY....what gives here, anyone? Is that giving me the latest AC? Michel, when you get back, maybe you can elaborate on all this? thanks, Bruce
Now here is probably a dumb question that I seem to get bits and pieces from the FAQs and some forum posts, but here goes: How exactly does ISY work with my Insteon system and what are the ramifications if the ISY box goes out? Now, the way I see it, since I have no software on my computer, I click on a link that goes up to UD (to presumably get the LATEST Administrative Console....is that why we go this route?), which then via my local network "sees" the firmware in the ISY-26 black box....right? I assume the non volatile memory in the ISY contains all our "scenes" and "schedule" and "triggers" etc...which runs all our Insteon system....and it then receives and sends out the signals (via the PowerLine Modem...PLM). I assume the PLM contains no code...it only sends and receives signals from the Insteon grid...right? Now I would think that if the ISY were REMOVED from the grid (pulling the plug, it's power goes off, or malfunction), then nothing out in my Insteon system would work (scenes, schedules, triggers, etc)...right? Or, are there some things that DO get hard linked to each local Insteon device for it to remember the switch settings and scenes (I would think SLs might work, but what about KPL buttons...I would think they would fail)? (I did reading from Michel somewhere that having the ISY unplugged, something would still work, but I can not find that post at the moment.) Also, I assume that if the PLM goes south, then everything will not work either....right? I am just trying to get ahead of things and know what to look for in case my ISY or PLM goes bad, and what to expect....I would hate to have all my lights inoperable if one of these components were to malfunction...and then of course there is the WAF to contend with too. thanks, Bruce