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  1. I just wanted to give an update. This was fixed by updating to a newer version at the request of Michael from UD. I have been up for the past week and a half without issues.
  2. Yeah, I'm still waiting on a first contact from my ticket (holiday weekend so I understand). What are you doing at the moment to keep everything running? This is killing my WAF. Are you waiting for it to fail or are you doing some kind of automated reboot?
  3. Well, not great news. I woke up and while HA can control the ISY, the polisy is slow to react I get duplicate commands (like it thinks that the ISY didn't respond and HA tried again, or that was all on the ISY side) Trying to log into the pg3x web interface just constantly kicks me back out to the login screen after logging in, but before doing so, it says there is no ISY detected. I have no idea where to see how HA might be overloading the ISY. I've kept the Event Viewer on and I don't see a bunch of excessive commands or anything being sent to it. I've also tried rebooting from the ISY admin interface and the phone since this started happening, but all I get is any ISY with no lights on it. I have to power cycle it manually to get it to work. Looking at the HA logs, I noticed that I was getting heartbeat messages on Saturday from the ISY, but they stopped shortly after my last restart (within an hour or 2) and after that I would get these 2023-11-25 15:40:15.170 WARNING (MainThread) [pyisyox.events.websocket] Websocket disconnected unexpectedly with code: 0 I've also seen this here and there: 2023-11-26 04:13:31.099 ERROR (MainThread) [pyisyox.events.websocket] Error during receive Received frame with non-zero reserved bits After about 24 hours I start to see this: 2023-11-26 13:54:06.099 WARNING (MainThread) [pyisyox] Timeout while trying to connect to the ISY. That goes on untl this morning when it was not as responsive. Note that until this morning, HA didn't see to have many issues talking to the ISY, but obviously in the background it did. I still don't know if this is on the ISY or the HA side, but I can tell you that the code on the HA side for this integration seems to not have changed since earlier this year. it's using websockets so not sure if something changed in the base HA code, but the integration hasn't changed. At this time, I'm not 100% sure the "beta" is the way to go. If anyone can tell me where I can see the logs that points to HA hammering the ISY, I would love to look at them so I can go back to HA and see if it can ber fixed over there. Otherwise, their logs don't show a bunch of communication back to the ISY until the ISY starts to timeout.
  4. So, just a quick update. As of this morning the Polisy is acting fine (both PG3x and the ISY). I'm not seeing any of the java.net.sockettimeoutexceptions in the polisy logs. Still not going to say it's 100% working, I'll continue to monitor, but things are looking up. Some notes if you are using Home Assistant and want to install the beta version of the "Universal Devices ISY/IoX" integration from HACs. t is a replacement/overwrite. That is to say you only have to install it from HACs and nothing else. It will put itself in the custom_components directory and upon restart HA will us that version instead of the included one (so easy install/backout) If you are using any Events in HA for ISY devices, the event data has changed and broken a lot of my automations. It adds the address into the event data. It's a pretty easy fix, but something to be aware of. As far as I can tell, except #2, everything else from a device/entity perspective is the same and all my dashboards and automations (except the issue in #2 for triggers) are working as expected. I'll reprort back tomorrow if it's still working or sooner if I notice it breaks again.
  5. Will. do. So far so good and I don't see the above errors in the HA logs, but then again, don't know if they occurred because the polisy freaked out. I should know in the nest 24 hours and I'll report back.
  6. I looked at the HA logs and I did see lots of these, so it could be that it is on the HA side, but not sure as I never looked before. 2023-11-25 11:57:12.651 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyisy.events.websocket] Starting websocket connection. 2023-11-25 11:57:12.654 ERROR (MainThread) [pyisy.events.websocket] Unexpected websocket error Session is closed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyisy/events/websocket.py", line 218, in websocket async with self.req_session.ws_connect( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 1141, in __aenter__ self._resp = await self._coro ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 779, in _ws_connect resp = await self.request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 400, in _request raise RuntimeError("Session is closed") RuntimeError: Session is closed I did install the HACs UD ISY/IOX plugin (which is just a newer version of hte one in HA that uses a beta version of pyisy). I'll see if that is any better.
  7. Ok, so it's HA doing it to the polisy? Anyway I can validate this is the same issue in my logs that you know of?
  8. This just started happening, but my polisy is going non-responsive once a day. It's quite frustrating. One thing I've noticed when I do get to the logs is that it says there are errors with "java.net.Sockettimeoutexception" over and over. I can still SSH into the device, but nothing seems to be overwhelming the system. I also can't access the ISY Admin either. I have zero nodes installed and basically just use this as an ISY for my HomeAssistant install. It has been working for months without an issue until recently. Any ideas? I will also open a ticket, but thought the forums might offer faster responses on the holiday weekend.
  9. I changed from calling a light directly to calling a scene and here are the logs. I really REALLY wish they had MS in the times Looks like the first one was maybe 1s? but the second one it's hard to tell. It didn't seem that much faster, but it's hard to compare from hours ago when I tested the other way.
  10. So this is back to happening. ISY says the KPL is in the correct state, but the KPL remains in the wrong state. I have another thread going about another issue, but it was stated that Insteon waits for states. My guess is that button states aren't "verified" because they are set by scenes? Which makes me wonder if the KPL is reporting the scene has been executed and it's just not executing it. I'm thinking of a factory reset and then just having the ISY rewrite the links.
  11. Yeah, sorry, it's confusing and perhaps I tried to give too many details too quickly (I tend to do that). I originally thought it was the REST API causing the delay, but now I think it's the ISY itself (for whatever reason, good or bad). So, I will say that there is a definite delay of 1.5s for the light to turn on. I have been able to reproduce with a program. When Door X Opens, turn on Light Y I recreated the scenario back in the ISY. without having MS it's hard to actually tell how fast the ISY is actually doing anything. I can tell you the light takes about 1-1.5s to turn on. Even making that .5s would be a huge improvement. in the logs I have 50.DB.65 is the light 47.FA.62 is the door switch. (I can recreate the scene issue if need be as well, but this is just easier to set up while I'm working). Attached are the logs. Where can I submit a support request? ISY-Events-Log.v5.6.3__Tue 2023.08.01 09.47.29 AM.txt
  12. I find it odd that there has been a lot of talk about isy making sure that a device responds first. I have another post from last week where it seemed that the air gapping of the KPL fixed it, but the problem came back today. I send a scene to adjust the KPL buttons state and in the ISY they say they are correct, but the KPL itself never reports the same state. I would expect from what I'm hearing here that the ISY would wait for confirmation that the KPL made it's change before updating itself. So maybe my network is hosed. Not sure. This was all just working under HS and now under the ISY it's not. And i'm not trying to say HS is better, I don't feel it is. I didn't factory reset any devices, but I did tell the ISY to wipe any existing links when adding these devices.
  13. Actually I have a scene setup in the ISY that only has responders to turn them off (so they all turn off at once). From HA I trigger the scene Off via the ISY when I get a fast off for a specific KPL. I have a feeling that based on my testing with the door sensor, it would be the same if I had a program in the ISY do it. In both systems I was using Option 2, but the problem is that the scene command is not sent out, much like the individual command, until about 1.5s after the initial "trigger" when using the ISY (whether it be the door sensor status or the fast off command from the KPL). In HS this was faster, perhaps for the reasons you mentioned. Seems to just be a limitation of the technology. The reason I noticed it with the door sensor was that in my utility room I used to have a z-wave switch, but the door sensor was a hidden insteon door sensor. Opening the door, even though it had to go through HS was near instant*. When I went to both insteon devices (door and switch), even though yes, I still had the isy control the devices instead of a scene, it was a lot slower. I understand the potential explanations why that may be given the nature if Insteon. *I know this is not the same situation as this thread discusses. I'm just saying how I had it set up before for that door. For my main use case of using fast off from a KPL to execute an insteon scene from HS, it is still significantly faster than it is in the ISY/HA
  14. I did not move all my devices back over, no. I tested with the 3 devices I'm moving around for this test. That said, HS still has about 10 other devices on it and the ISY has a lot more. But when using the ISY event viewer, I can tell you that I don't have a lot of other traffic when I'm running my tests. I did the same test with all 3 devices in all 3 systems and had the same results in the ISY and HA, but not HS.
  15. A final thought, and I don't really think this would have any effect. HS is currently running on a machine with an i7-6700k while the Polisy and HA/Hub are on much lower power machines. I woudln't think that this type of processing would be that greatly effected by this (that processor is overkill for this and that server is/was used for other things like PLex), but throwing it out there.
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