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Everything posted by jaysmc

  1. By clicking the Upgrade Packages button under the System tab. I'm currently on firmware 5.8.4, an OS 13.2
  2. My eisy seems to be comfortable with 5.8.4. I've tried updating repeatedly over the past few days, and it's still on 5.8.4. It's not a critical update for me though, I won't be using any matter devices soon and everything is functioning fine as is. I'll probably have to open a ticket sometime.
  3. Yes, I always thought the manual Lat/Lon entry was broken, but then tried inverting the sign on the Lon and it worked!
  4. I have the same problem. The system time is correct, but the sunrise time is off by about 1 hour, and the sunset time is off by about 20 minutes. I only have 2 programs that use sunrise times, so I just added 1 hour in their If statements. I'm running an Eisy on IoX version 5.6.0.
  5. For my bathroom fan I set up three programs that provide a simple timer that will run the fan for 10 minutes for each time the ON switch is pressed. First I created a STATE variable: sMasterBathFan with an initial value of 0. The first program adds 1 to the state variable each time the on button is pressed: MBA Fan - On - [ID 002C][Parent 002F] If Control 'MBA Exhaust Fan' is switched On Then $sMasterBathFan += 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Then a program to zero the variable if the off button is pressed: MBA Fan - Off - [ID 002E][Parent 002F] If Control 'MBA Exhaust Fan' is switched Off Then $sMasterBathFan = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') And a control program that will decrement the variable by 1 every 10 minutes and turn the fan off when the variable is 0: MBA Fan - Control - [ID 002D][Parent 002F] If $sMasterBathFan > 0 Then Wait 10 minutes $sMasterBathFan -= 1 Else Set 'MBA Exhaust Fan' Off I do plan on implementing humidity control whenever I get a sensor, but this set of programs work well for now.
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