Hey guys,
I have a failry simple Insteon setup so far and this will be my most 'complex' setup which I'm having some trouble with. I am using an ISY 994i with a 2475SDB and I/O Link 2450 for this circuit.
I am basically trying to control my pool pump and millivolt pool heater. I have the 2475SDB wired in to the pool pump and have that working no problem. What I am trying to do is have the I/O Link 2450 control my pool heater's fireman switch (basically an open/close, no voltage). How do I link these two devices so that in any circumstance, the pool heater must be shut off 20 minutes prior to the pool pump shutting down. I'm a little lost on how to begin.
My pump is 120V 20A if there was any question about that.