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Everything posted by flatbush97

  1. So if I am understanding this correctly, using from->to would mean that the action is evaluated twice, at the from time and at the to time using from->for would evaluate the expression once? Is there a practical differance?
  2. Just a thought, If i have an If condition on the folder level such as If Program 'IsSabbathOrHoliday' is True Would the else logic be hit if the if is false or would it just skip the whole program execution? This would allow me to keep the events the way they are without splitting into Activate/Deactivate?
  3. Thanks for the quick response. Can you explain one other concept, what are the benefits of using scheduling of from->to versus from->for? Thanks
  4. All, I am using a MiLightStyle (yes i know it is no longer supprted) and have recently set it up for the first time. My intention for the below scene is on a daily basis check if today is Sabbath or a Holiday. If so the Dining Room lights should be on from 10 AM until 4 PM. While this actually works for those days that the criteria is met, it seems that every other day at 10:00 AM the lights are shutting off. I understand logically (more or less) why this is happening. My question is how do I avoid lights being shut off every other day? My family has not been to happy with lights randomly turning off on them . Should I be splitting up this event into two separate events? Meaning, one event to turn on and one to turn off with conditions so that the Then is only hit when IsSabbathOrHoliday and IsOnVacation is False and there is no Else?. Will it work to change to a From 10:00AM for 6 Hours with no else statement? Meaning after 6 hours will the system know to automatically deactivate? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! IF FROM 10:00:00AM TO 4:00:00PM (same day) And Program 'IsSabbathOrHoliday' is True And Program 'IsOnVacation' is False Then Set Scene 'Links / Fixtures / Main Floor / Dining Room Lights' Activate Else Set Scene 'Links / Fixtures / Main Floor / Dining Room Lights' Deactivate
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