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  1. Done. Working now. Thanks!
  2. Deleted and reinstalled app. Now, it crashes as soon as I try to open it. Android 10. Can't get any app version info now that it won't open, but it should be the latest version given I just reinstalled it.
  3. Subject says it all. UD Mobile app crashes whenever I try to add my new eisy. Anyone having similar issues?
  4. Yes, sorry. Should have said that. I can click and get the drop down of the times, but cannot select. I click on one and it just reverts back to what you see in the screen shot. Admin console and even the computer, have been shut down many times, as it's all on my laptop which travels with me daily.
  5. Trying to write a new program and the ISY will not allow me to chose a start time. The time drop downs are greyed out and cannot be selected. I have used them before, so not sure what has changed. They stay greyed out regardless of what other options I chose, such as AND/OR, etc. Screen shot is the program with my workaround, but I'd rather have it be FROM / TO particular times. Can anyone let me know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. - Brett
  6. OK, calling this one fixed. Motion sensor is linked to the micro on/off that controls the driveway lights. No idea when I did that, but it didn't happen by itself. Both components are likely 8 or more years old, so at some point I apparently got creative. Proved it by physically disabling the motion sensor and everything began working correctly. Logs showed, prior, that the motion sensor would activate, and then when it turned off, the driveway lights would turn off. Symptoms stopped for the week that the motions sensor has been powered down and started back up as soon as it was powered up again. Thanks for all the suggestions and help. I've spent more time on this system, especially in the ISY, in the last 2 weeks than I have in the last 3 years. Of course, that's now opened up some more questions/problem, which are for another post.
  7. @kclenden - Yes sir. Shows green. Did not stand there at sunset +20 to see it. Checked 5 minutes later and lights were not on. Removed the +20 and stood and watched tonight. Lights turned on at designated dusk time. And turned off 2 minutes later........ Yes sir. No sir. Yes sir because I checked motion sensor is a controller for no scenes, in ISY. It is a controller in a program that starts after the dusk program ends, but that should have no effect. No sir... because I didn't check the sensor for manually programmed actions, outside of ISY. Honestly, I have no recollection of ever setting any manual settings in any of my more than 300 devices, but..... The log showed the answer. Lights turned on at sunset, 2 minutes later, "motion sensor" switched to off and the lights turned off with it. I removed the motion sensor in question and powered it down, turned lights back on and they have stayed on for almost 2 hours now. Will leave the sensor disabled and check again tomorrow evening.
  8. Light was turning off at random times since the beginning, regardless of changes to the program. Did a search as you suggest. The driveway lights scene does not appear in any other program. The driveway motion sensor does, but that program is set to run AFTER the program in question has timed out at 9:20. Also checked for other scenes that have this light assigned. There are others, but no programs associated with them either. Finally, checked the scene itself and there are just the lights, 2 remotes and one switch that are in that scene. More intersted, right now, in why the system is ignoring sunset, when, according this thread, that should be better trigger than the dusk/dawn sensor. Will set up an email notification and check the logs next.
  9. So sunrise and sunset times appear on the top of the screen. Turns out I entered lon/lat many years ago when I first started with the ISY. However, the program does not work at all if I remove the dusk/dawn sensor. The ISY is ignoring sunset time, it seems. No time to play with it right now. 2 days in a row, no action from the program, although it shows green in the program list during the designated time period. I'll mess with it on the weekend if time permits. Thanks!
  10. So the ISY knows sunset just by time, doesn't need a sensor to report it? That would be convenient, I'll give it a shot.
  11. I'm not sure I understand the question. If the dusk/dawn sensor is not in the program, how does the system know when it is dusk?
  12. Yes sir. Dusk/dawn sensor shows ON even when the lights turn off.
  13. Can anyone take a look at this and tell me what I'm missing? Program runs just after dusk as prescribed, but lights will randomly turn off some time after, but well before the programmed time window. I originally did not have an "else" line, so added what you see as an attempt to correct this issue. No change. Outside/Driveway lights is a scene that functions perfectly when manually operated from one of several controllers. Thanks.
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