Hello all,
First timer here. I just picked up an ISY, insteon wired and wireless thermostat (plus a few on/off modules). I am in the process of implementing a whole house fan strategy that runs the whole house fan in lieu of my AC, if my outside temperature is lower than the inside temp. In short, i have all this working.
Here's what i havent figured out yet:
When each program runs to query my thermostats, they only run once. So if my thermostat happens to be 75 degrees when the whole house fan kicks, My whole house fan will stay on until the next scheduled time that the program has listed (the end time for that program). I have not figured out how to write a repeat loop for the program, so that it re-runs say, every 10m (re-checks thermostat temps, checks it's run times and adjusts accordingly).
I hope that this is an easy fix. The query that I wrote to re-query both thermostats every 10m doesn't seem like the fix :/
Here is a some of the code I am trying:
Status 'Outside' > 45° (Temperature)
Or Status 'Outside' < 72° (Temperature)
And Status 'MainThermostat' >= 68° (Temperature)
And On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
From 7:00:00AM
To 1:59:00PM (same day)
Set 'FAN1' On
Send Notification to 'Default' content 'FANON'
Set 'MainThermostat' Mode Off
Set 'FAN1' Off
Set 'MainThermostat' Mode Cool
Send Notification to 'Default' content 'FANOFF'
Status 'Outside' > 45° (Temperature)
Or Status 'Outside' < 69° (Temperature)
And Status 'MainThermostat' >= 68° (Temperature)
And On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
From 2:00:00PM
To 6:59:00AM (next day)
Set 'FAN1' On
Send Notification to 'Default' content 'FANON'
Set 'MainThermostat' Mode Off
Set 'FAN1' Off
Set 'MainThermostat' Mode Cool
Send Notification to 'Default' content 'FANOFF'
Status 'Outside' > 45° (Temperature)
Or Status 'Outside' < 69° (Temperature)
And Status 'MainThermostat' > 71° (Temperature)
And On Sat
From 7:00:00AM
To 11:59:00PM (same day)
Or On Sun
From 12:01:00AM
To 6:59:00AM (next day)
Set 'FAN2' On
Send Notification to 'Default' content 'FANON'
Set 'MainThermostat' Mode Off
Set 'FAN2' Off
Set 'MainThermostat' Mode Cool
Send Notification to 'Default' content 'FANOFF'
I'd love some help on a more optimized approach as well.
Thanks in advance for any help!