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Everything posted by Eug

  1. Hi Michel, The firmware is 2.7.0. I've now tried this from both a 64-bit Vista system and a 32-bit XP system with the same result.
  2. Michael, When you say "check the log", are you referring to Tools->Log from the main menu? Because I've never been able to get that to do anything. When I click on "Log", the menu closes and nothing else ever happens.
  3. I'm running firmware version 2.7.0 on my ISY-99. I have it configured to set the time from us.pool.ntp.org once ever hour. I had just noticed that the time on the box was ahead by about three minutes. I checked the event viewer and there were lots of "setting" time entires in there, without any sort of failure indications. I tried clicking the "synchronize now" button on the configuration page, and suddenly the time is correct. (And that one appeared in the event viewer also, indistinguishable from the other ones that didn't really appear to set the time)
  4. Replacing the PLM fixed the problem. Thanks!
  5. Ok, a new PLM is on its way to me from Smarthome. When I get it, do I just do a "restore PLM", or is there more to it than that?
  6. I can add devices to the PLM without issue, and the ISY has no problem controlling devices, or querying them. Just want to make sure that's clear in case it changes your hypothesis, before I call SmartHome to RMA the PLM.
  7. Hi Michel, When I do "show PLM links", I get an empty "PLM links table" dialog. Clicking the "Start" button has no effect. Clicking the "Count" button shows me a message box that says "0".
  8. Hi Michel, One of the KPLs in question is a new device that I just installed, so that's effectively factory reset. Is there some way to check the PLM's links?
  9. Hi Michel, 1: PLM version is v72. 2: 30 devices at the moment.
  10. After having given up on this back in January, I'm making another attempt to get it to work. My ISY now has firmware 2.7.0 on it, and I've tried doing a "restore" on several KPLs. The ISY still doesn't update status when a KPL button is turned on or off, whether the button is a member of a scene or not. Any more ideas?
  11. I just removed a KeypadLinc dimmer and put a KeypadLinc switch in its place, so that I can use a CFL bulb in dimmer's load fixture. I'd hate to have to manually reprogram all the stuff that the other buttons on the KPL do, but when I try to tell the ISY-99 to "replace" the dimmer, the switch isn't one of the options it gives me for replacing it. Is there any way I can convince the ISY to do the replacement to save me a lot of reprogramming?
  12. Right. I'm looking at the main tab.
  13. That is not what I see in 2.6.13. If I press button B on a KPL (non-load button, just to be sure) that is not part of any scene or links at all (haven't figured out what to use ALL the buttons for yet) and I'm in the Adminsitrative Console on the device itself, the "Current State" changes from "Off" to "On" and back. Ok, I'll try installing 2.6.13 later today and see if that helps. It doesn't matter for this test case where I'm just trying to get it working, but in reality, I want to trigger my "good night" program by double-clicking an off button on a RemoteLinc. If I understand correctly, I can't really do that unless I just want every device in my "good night" scene to instantly switch off as a result.
  14. There's something very unintuitive about that, but I'll try it. But just to try to understand... when the program is triggered initially by the light being switched off, and it goes into the five-minute wait, does the light being switched back on (causing the "and" clause to be false) actually abort the program already in progress (in the wait)?
  15. Looks like that doesn't have any effect. I created a scene, added the KPL button to it, and it still showed a blank status box (this was true whether I set it to be a controller or responder in the scene).
  16. Another thing that doesn't seem obvious as I move from HomeSeer to ISY, but I assume it's there and I'm just not finding it. In an "if" clause in a program, how do I check for a device having been on or off for a specific time? For example, if the bathroom fan is on, and the bathroom light has been off for five minutes, I want to turn the fan off.
  17. The Administration Console appears to not show any state at all for any buttons that aren't part of a scene. (Firmware 2.6.8 for whatever that's worth).
  18. I am physically pressing the button. I've tried this with both KeypadLinc buttons and RemoteLinc buttons, and nothing happens.
  19. I'm used to being able to specify a "security" randomizer of +/- some number of minutes when creating schedule-based events in other systems. Does the ISY not provide this capability or am I just not looking in the right place?
  20. I'm trying to migrate my Insteon programming from HomeSeer to my ISY-99, and I'm having some trouble getting conditional programs to work. Here's a simple test program I'm trying: If Control 'Office - Keypad (D)' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Office - South Track Light' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I would think that this should turn the light on when key D on the KeypadLinc goes to "on". This doesn't happen, though. I've tried schedule-based programs and those seem to work, so I'm pretty sure I'm entering and saving things correctly.
  21. It was emailed to me when I was having a firmware update problem. Autodiscover. Hi Michel, I'm not sure what you mean by "master links for the RL", but for what it's worth, when readding the RL and explicitly stating the device type, as suggested by Darrell, it worked fine. I should also point out that the existing links were created directly on the devices, with no software intervention.
  22. Eug

    Direct link management?

    I'll second that request. If the ISY is going to be the only link manager in an Insteon system, it's pretty vital that it can show and edit all links.
  23. Eug

    Direct link management?

    Unfortunately, since the old RemoteLinc wouldn't go into linking mode, I couldn't get the ISY to discover it, so it's not in the database.
  24. It was emailed to me when I was having a firmware update problem. Autodiscover.
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