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Everything posted by khowell

  1. I am on the West coast and at 9pm my access to isyPortal quit working due to the 429 error. No more UDI Mobile. I can’t even login to create a problem ticket.
  2. Thank you, I will raise my poll rate to 3600 to keep under the 50 per day and see how that works.
  3. Is it possible to programmatically query the status of the PLM. Mine died a few days ago and the only way I knew until it got dark and the lights didn't come on, was a missed heartbeat on a leak sensor. I guess query a device status every hour and flag bad status. It would be nice to have a device listed in the "System" area for program actions that could be queried.
  4. Bob, have you found a solution to this issue? I am also not getting valid forecast data from weatherbit. I.E. it is now Friday and my Forecast 0 node says it is Thursday (it should say Saturday). The main node data "WeatherBit Weather" appears to be correct. I have included the log package. At 16:40 I manually queried the Forecast 0 then Weather nodes as can be see in the log file. My configuration is still shortPoll=300 and longPoll=600 on a free account. It doesn't look like I am exceeding the daily count as there is no change to the information for the day. Thank you, -Kerry WeatherBit_6-9-2023_24021_PM.zip
  5. The longer timeout required may also be associated to my recent "upgrade" of the old Comcast modem to a faster xFi modem. I was also having problems using FTP to my NAS through that system, so recently I had to find another solution to that situation. Now everything works. Documentation on the [[SMTP ERROR--1]] would be very helpful.
  6. I set the timeout value to 10,000 per another post about this problem and now it works. Go figure. When I used the default settings 'Use Default' I was receiving the same SMTP error [SMTP ERROR--1] as shown in the first post. But now the problem is solved. Thank you
  7. I am running v5.4.4 on my Polisy (5200) and recently found my email notifications not working. I was using GMAIL with the 2-step key for my IoP. With that not working, I regenerated the GMAIL key, but no luck. If I run the [Test] function on setting/Groups, I receive an error: I tried using the Default SMTP settings with the same result. I switched to my other IoP (same settings as my iPhone) and get almost the same result: When I check the log file, I see -50001 -1 listed, but there is no explanation in the SMTP Errors section of the Error Message Wiki page. What can I do to resolve this issue?
  8. So where does that leave me So where does that leave me?
  9. Yes, admin and Admin both return the same error message
  10. Bob, when I run the "sudo su polyglot" I get a request for a password. When I use "Admin" I get a message "This account is currently not available." I can navigate to the [admin@polisy /var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3/bin] directory and see the script password_reset is present. Not sure where to go from here,
  11. I had a support ticket (#17968) 3 months ago where Michael told me to wait for the next update. With that, he closed the ticket. Still waiing. I guess I will have to ask for a remote session..
  12. I installed the update which seemed to go fine. I did not see that this update includes a way to recover and change the password so I still cannot login into PG3. I cannot restart it or see what version is running without logging in. Please help!
  13. I had changed it the admin password. The changed password does not work - nor does admin. After I did the push button reset of credentials, PG2 followed the Polisy password and allows me access. How can I reset the PG3 password?
  14. Similar topic, I am unable to login in to PG3 from ISY Finder or the UD Admin Console. I get the "401 Unauthorized" response. Tried my supposed password, the ISY password, PG2 password, "admin" all with same result of no access. I went through the credentials reset on the Polisy (press and hold button until LED 1 flashes), reset password in ISY & PG2, but still cannot access PG3. Am I missing something? Thank you
  15. I am setting up the V3 version and find that the Ecobee nodeserver will provide me a key to provide to Ecobee. I do that step and get an authorization confirmed message from Ecobee. The nodeserver does not seem to get the information and provides me a new key to authorize on the Ecobee site. This loop continues... Here is the log package Ecobee_3-2-2022_45848_PM.zip
  16. I solved the problem of the lack of serial PLM's by purchasing two USB PLM's 2413U from Smarthome (on sale) (one of the PLM's was purchased as a spare). In watching a video on how to repair the serial PLM, I noticed the main board with all the power interfacing is the same on both the serial and USB devices. All the communications with the ISY are through daughter boards. I removed the covers of the USB (V2.5) and serial (V2.3) PLM and removed and swapped the daughter boards. Reassembled the PLM's and used the "New" serial PLM with my ISY. I had to go through the process of installing a new PLM: File -> Restore Modem (PLM). The "New" serial" PLM works great and without all the angst of creating other solutions. Photo of the inside of the USB PLM. Sorry my photo of the serial version was blurry.
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