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Everything posted by andyclay

  1. So the only way to find a weather source that has the features your looking for is to install each weather polygot and then see what is offered? There isnt anywhere that list the data that will be available for each? I've very very "green" to the polisy polygot world and I'm a bit intimidated at the prospect of having to activate so many sources successfully... For the record I'm looking for a data field that shows the high temp of the current day "so far". I think this value was part of the old weather link that the isy originally had many years ago.
  2. I'm not sure that approachgets me to where iI wanted to be. mobilinc does not appear to have a way of being set directly or indirectly from the isy so it just has a toggle button and not a swapping on/off
  3. I assumed that was the case. has anyone developed a work around for this?
  4. I recently added the garage sensor and relay to isy setup. I took the time to change the magnetic reed switch from a normally open to a normally closed model so now when the door is open I get a true "ON" signal. I did this for a couple of reasons. To make sure any overnight system query would really return the true state of the door and to make the reading of the door in my MobiLinc Pro app for android to show correctly. I also want to show the status of the door on 2 keypads but not allow those keypads to open or close the door. I have that working just fine. My problem is getting the relay to work properly with MobiLinc. I'm finding that only when the relay sees an ON command does it open or close the door. Off does nothing. This is true if I use the ISY admin console or the icon for the relay in the MobiLinc device area. Anyone have any idea how I can set things so there is just a button for the door in MobiLinc which triggers the door and the idea of off on button is not needed? Thanks
  5. Thanks LeeG for your quick response and help. When I read your posting the light bulb went off (pun intended).That brought the clarity I needed. I never realized that if your goal is to make all switches that are part of a scene have the same ramp rate then you not only have to set the scene itself with the ramp rate but you have to go into each switch in the scene and set each ramp rate. This might be an opportunity for the great folks at universal devices to add a check box setting in each scene that could be optionally checked off if your looking for all devices in a given scene to have a common setting. The "Apply changes to all devices" is a bit misleading as it seems to really mean "Apply changes to all devices in this scene but not to the devices themselves". Thanks again.
  6. Despite outstanding support from Universal devices I've had poor results in trying to make use of the Wake On Lan (WOL) feature in the Network module. The settings on my PC's were/are correct and were verified by using a WOL application on a separate PC on our home network. Has Anyone had success with this and if so would you mind sharing what you did to get that success. Thanks
  7. I'm very confused on how the Ramp rate setting on scenes and the ramp rate for devices in those scenes relate to each other. If you want all lighting in a scene with several devices to ramp up/down at the same rate do you set this in the scene or on each device. The only success I have had so far is setting each device one at a time (group does not see to work). What am I missing here? Thanks
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