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  1. TheA2Z, I have heard of these, and this is my Plan-B if the esiy doesn't work out.
  2. TheA2Z, Thanks for the incite, Yes this would be outside, and I agree there are a few options. I did try Zooz ZSE29 and had to return it because I couldn't get it to connect to eisy. It connected at first, and then I dropped off, and no matter what I did trying to connect and disconnect it, I could never get it to work. I spent hours and finally threw in the towel and sent it back. I'll look at the Zigbee now.
  3. Thanks, Techman, I'll look into this sensor.
  4. I am looking for recommendations for a motion sensor to detect raccoons that are tearing up my grass. I have a program to turn on the outdoor lights and sprinkler to scare them away; however, I’m having trouble getting my Zwave Ecolink Motion Sensor to work correctly. I have an eisy with the ZMatter Zwave 700 series. I would be delighted to hear if anyone has found a reliable Motion Sensor that works well. Thanks in advance for any help.
  5. I got it to work, Yippee. I missed the Portal part of the setup. Thanks for the help!
  6. I was able to login using my ISY password, not the new eIsy password. Now I'm stuck and not able to load nodes...it says "Poisy not yet registered with Portal" I'm assuming the is issues is the same with eIsy which I'm migrating to, Not registered with portal. I see eIsy in the configuration, is there something I need to chance/update in the configuration?
  7. I have just migrated from I994 to eIsy and I'm unable to get past the log in screen for Polyglot V3. I tried the admin/admin and I get the following error "http failure response for /auth: 0 Unknow Error" Also tried to change the eIsy password and again same error trying the new login credentials. Also tried different browsers approving the security site risk. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. I was using State variable and now switch Integer and my initial checkout that worked. I won't know for sure if completely works till we get rain forecasted and in Southern California that may be awhile. Also, thanks for the detailed variable explanation which will helps me understand how these variables work. Thanks again MrBill, till the next problem Cheers
  9. I have two programs, one to count up when Rain is forecasted by more than one day (ie rain is forecasted for two days it would set the State Variable by 2).... and this one that I'm trying to count down by one each days so it would take two days to clear the variable so the sprinklers would be off for two days. Variable Rain Delay Clear - [ID 0016][Parent 0001] If Time is 7:00:00AM And $RainDelay >= 1 Then $RainDelay -= 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  10. I'm trying to write a State Variable program that counts down by one. When I use -= 1, it counts down by more than one. How do I have the program just count one digit at a time and stop? Thank you in advance for any help.
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