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  1. Yeah - I did this twice. The second time has been a charm (so far). The thermostat itself always seemed to be responsive to the ISY, so the issue appears to only affect the display. I went ahead and ordered a replacement thermostat.
  2. So the display on my insteon thermostat seemed to have died. Completely dead. No sign of life. No lights. No numbers. However, I just went to look at it and it was back to normal. Has anyone else seen this "phenomenon"? Is this thing about to die? Thanks.
  3. Sorry it took me so long to get back to the forum, but this ^^^^ solution resolved my issue.
  4. Thanks, so this program does want I want. Occasionally (< 1% of the time) my garage door sensor will return a bad status (I believe that part of the message is lost which results in improper interpretation). So now if that happens, the sensor is queried two additional times to validate the current state.
  5. Thank you. That is exactly what I wanted to know, although I end up with another question. Here is the sequence of events, I am wondering what happens next: Garage Opens Wait 3 minutes Query Garage (still open) Wait 3 minutes Query Garage (still open) Does the program go back to the if statement at this point? If so, then the second wait/query combination is superfluous.
  6. So what I ended up doing which seems to work was to write a query garage door program: If Status ' Garage Closed' is Off Then Wait 3 minutes Set "Garage Closed" Query Wait 3 minutes Set "Garage Closed" Query" Else - No Actions But I am wondering if this works the way I would like it to. My question is: what happens if the first query shows that the door is actually closed. Will the THEN be exited or will it continue to execute the following Wait/Query? If the first query shows that the door is open, I don't want to execute the second query. What I am trying to do is query the door status twice. If it returns open both times, then I am willing to believe that it is actually opened.
  7. How do I do this? I should also add that control of the thermostat works fine (I have a program running which sets the temperature to different values at different times of the day).
  8. I'm using the climate module. Power is controlled via Dual Band InlineLinc On/Off Switch. I agree with your analysis of the algorithm. The problem is that I don't have an input to tell if there is snow/ice on the roof. So I try to allow for this for leaving the roof heater on for 72 hours. My program (which is up and running) actually takes the temperature into account as well. So its: If Module 'Climate' Temperature < 38F AND ( Module 'Climate' 24h Snow > 0" Or Module 'Climate' Snow Tomorrow > 0" ) Then Set 'Basement Power' On Wait 72 hours Else Set 'Basement Power' Off I was hoping that someone else had already tackled this. Given the lack of a critical input, I'm not sure there is actually a good programmatic solution. For now, I'll let this program run and then tweak it as necessary or decide that this approach isn't going to work and just control the power manually.
  9. So I have roof coils for ice dam mitigation. I'd like to write a program to control the power for the coils. The problem is that the conditions aren't obvious. So I could do something like (excuse my crude program): if (snow today or snow tomorrow) then power on wait 72 hours else power off But that seems problematic. Perhaps there just isn't an awesome solution for this case. Thanks!
  10. Hi, I did all of this. All of my other insteon devices are working normally. The only issue I have is the thermostat. Thanks.
  11. Oops - I just thought of an important detail that I left out. I recently replaced my PLM as it died.
  12. The thermostat is the 2441TH. This is a relatively new phenomenon, but it appears that the ISY is often not in sync with the thermostat. For instance, currently the Temperature is 70 and the Heat set point is 70, but the ISY thinks the current temp is 66 and the set point is 64. Any ideas? Thanks.
  13. It looks like the 2413S is still the way to go? Has the quality gotten any better? Mine lasted 3.5 years before dying (which is better than some), but I'm not very happy. I guess the good news is that the replacement procedure seems relatively straightforward.
  14. I'm in the 4s. I was 4.5.2 and upgraded to 4.6.2 which has resolved my issue.
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