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Everything posted by DonM

  1. I did get the Tasker to work using your ideas. I think I will be using Tasker. Don
  2. I have installed the UDI Mobile app from the Play store - the one that was an earlier release - last night. It seems to be working, but I have not left the house yet today. If this solves the problem, as indicated in another forum thread, the Tasker issue will be moot. But, thanks for the tips - I may go ahead and try these to increase my knowledge regarding Tasker. Tasker seems like it may be useful for as yet undiscovered tasks. Don
  3. Michel, I have tried UD Mobile and have had the same problems as others - it only seems to work when you send it a command from the application. It does not update automatically. I understand that you are aware of the issue and are working with the app developer on a fix. Don
  4. I have been trying to use the tasker approach that is outlined in the wiki. I can get the at-home to work to set a variable in the ISY, but the away from home can not seem to communicate with the ISY. I have tried all manner of this, but keep getting an error message in Tasker for a socket error that the connection was refused. If have tried to connect both via the portal (which I can use for Alexa) and directly. Any suggestions on this? Don
  5. Randy, You are correct. I mis-posted this post. I am using the work around posted in the Tell Me thread. Dob
  6. Is anyone else having a problem with 'Tell Me'? Alexa no longer seems to be able to find the Tell Me items I have configured. Don
  7. Thanks for this program. It is working well for me except that I get the following at certain points in the message notification: (Con't)2 of 4 (Con't)3 of 4 (con't)4 of 4 Any idea why this is being added to the message? Don
  8. Please disregard. ..I did not have SNI box checked. It now works. Don
  9. When I test my network resource, I get a TCP client request failed message with rule #14:400. I looked in the admin console in the about and noticed that it said internet access disabled. How Do I enable the access? Is it necessary to? I am on version 4.6.2. Do I need a 5.x.x? The portal is able to access the ISY. Any help is greatly appreciated. Don
  10. Building on drprm1 comments here is how one proposed solution might look: Create 2 state variables S_open_cmd and S_close_cmd (for example). Create routines of 'Alexa, open door 1' and 'Alexa, close door 1', which turn on the open and close state variables, respectively. Assuming that you have a position switch on door 1 which indicates if is open (and is called Door_1_open), create 2 programs in ISY is the following form: If S_open_cmd is true and Door_1_open is false then Set the relay output true, wait x seconds set the relay output false set S_open_cmd false If S_close_cmd is true and Door_1_open is true then Set the relay output true, wait x seconds set the relay output false set S_close_cmd false Don't forget to declare the state variables as lights in the portal to make sure that will work in a routine. (I hope the above solution will actually work) Don
  11. Something to consider - add a open/close detector switch on the door. The 'Alexa open' command could be directed to a program that would only activate the button command if the switch indicated that the door was closed. Likewise direct the 'Alexa close' command to a program that would activate the button command if the switch indicated that the door was open. Don
  12. If you have an Echo or Echo Dot, it would be easy to create a group and add the 'Watch A Movie' command and a dim the lights command and then ask Alexa to start the movie (or whatever) to get things going. This, in my mind, is an easy way to tie the ISY and the Harmony Hub together. Don
  13. The Somfy RTS interface via z-wave directly for 1 case tested so far and a program that interfaces with the Somfy via z-wave in another. Don
  14. I found an interesting work around for the open/close problem. What I discovered was that if you create a routine that says, for example, 'open the office shade' and have it turn on the device to open the shade it works,as does a similar routine for closing the shade. Oddly, if you go and modify the 'When you say...' part of the routine, you get a message telling you that you can not use this text (but it still works). BTW - routines seem to be only accessible using the mobile app. And who knows, maybe this will stop working in few days. Don
  15. I have added the Z-wave devices for controlling motorized shades via the Somfy ZSRT. I created a program called 'office shade' to turn the office shade device off and on via the 'then' and 'else' clauses from the program. I entered this program into the portal with the spoken word 'office shade'. In the Amazon application, I entered the device and then created a group called 'Office Shade Test' and included 'office shade in the group. This reacts very nicely to open and close commands to the group 'Office Shade Test'. However, when I change the name of the group to something else, Alexa does protest, even if I change it to something like 'Office Shade Program'. I have tried a lot of things but can't seem to get past using 'Office Shade Test', which is not particularly intuitive. Any one have any suggestions? Since I know nothing about the internal workings of the Amazon site with respect to Alexa, I can only experiment on a empirical basis. Don
  16. Michel, Thanks, that did it. Don
  17. I cannot seem to change the account my portal is linked to. When I go into the My Profile and delete the link and then relink it will immediately relink to the same Amazon account without allowing me to make the change. How do I overcome this situation? Don
  18. If you are using a Harmony remote, you can add the channels you want as favorites and then when you import them into Echo, you will be asked to provide spoken names. I have found that this works quite well. Don
  19. I have a couple of 2-wire dimmers and they work fine with Cree LED bulbs. Occasionally, they will show up as not available on the administrative console, but will work nonetheless. Don
  20. How did you make this work so that the double-wide buttons are in the middle positions? Don
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