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  1. bsobel

    Why Use Scenes?

    Scenes are an Insteon construct and are very fast, programs can lag a little bit (as the ISY has to receive the Insteon message, process it, and more importantly send a second (or more) Insteon message back on the wire). Scene members do all of their work based on the original Insteon message (and continue to work even if your ISY is off, not that it should be)...
  2. If you don't mind running a box (I use Raspberry Pi's) I can pull together my Sonos integration scripts, you can play, group, etc and do TTS (at least against input scripts, I convert them and run them to the zones). Tie in to ISY is via device ID's and/or variables (e.g. you can say when switch X turns on then group these devices, select this favorite, play or you can say when variable X is 2 then play this favorite, etc)... Bill
  3. The 'easiest' way would be two iolincs with a relay connected to the input where the relay coil is 115vac driven by the 'other' leg. So when one leg blips the other leg would see it on the iolinc and generate a signal.
  4. I would strongly recommend NOT using any device that does not have a failsafe timer to turn itself off after some time period for Irrigation. I've seen too many horror stories...
  5. bsobel

    Java Anyone?

    FYI this has been posted quite a few times now. As to the issue, the newer versions of Java are improving their security profile by starting to require a manifest file. UDI will have to include that moving forward (and I am sure they will). But the change means apps shipped without it will have to be specifically allowed.
  6. Just add the URL to your ISY to the Java Exception Site List. No upgrades or anything else is required.
  7. Possibly silly question but did you: 'ColorTouch thermostats do not allow remote control commands by default. You must go into "Menu" - "Accessories" screen and turn ON "Local API" after connecting to the wireless network.'
  8. I don't think the network resources allow for variable substitution. You'd have to create a different UDP resource for each variable value you'd want.
  9. Got it. In that case rewire the switch so its just a controller by disconnecting the load wire (the red one) and connecting what was running to the lights into the black wire (e.g. make it so those lights always have power). Then you can do what you like (I've done this quite a bit for my ISY/Hue integrations) Then you can go crazy with various patterns, dim levels, etc. A keypad in place of the switchlinc is a great option is you can have each button do a different scene.
  10. Dont do it, you'll get device not responding errors from the ISY UI when the switch to the bulbs is off. As for better scene controls, I don't see how this helps, can you give a longer example?
  11. bsobel

    Strange Happenings

    Good thought (this is certainly a weird one!) Bill
  12. bsobel

    Strange Happenings

    My guess is also a VERY noise ballast on one of those CFL's especially with the lockup issue now mentioned. Bill
  13. bsobel

    Strange Happenings

    Michel, the switch causing the issue is NOT an Insteon switch, just a dumb old switch...
  14. bsobel

    Strange Happenings

    If you move that switch (the one that causes the issue) to the middle (hold it there) does the toggle linc controlled lights turn off?
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