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Everything posted by jkosharek

  1. I have a 1 year old EISY ($190) and never used ZMatter USB ($90) for sale. Will separate.
  2. Is that supposed to be port 1884?
  3. I will PM you for my address and payment info
  4. Mixed results, but most of the time a query all would update all the outlets watts data. I have the UD Mobile button setup that way so I could see the current usage of all the outlets on a strip.
  5. @Jimbo.Automates I have Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strips (HS300) and the individual outlet 'Current Power' doesn't update on the 'longPoll' and also doesn't update on a query all. It updates if I go into the individual outlet and select query.
  6. @Jimbo.Automates Do the dev packages still need to also be installed/updated or is that some Michel magic moving packages to the main update?
  7. I did the same and am impressed with it so far with some of the things I am playing with. The downside is that it's not a straight local control/connection and I won't put a ton of effort in cloud or hybrid-cloud products without an established open API. Ratgdo is what I will be using once mine arrives
  8. Released 3.1.2 seems to be ok. @Jimbo.Automates Can you clarify how the 'Current Power' should behave? Should it be updating on some regular short refresh period, or in almost real-time, or does it have to be queried to get an update from the device?
  9. 'Load Profile' from the Node server side did the trick! UDM configurations and AC Programs did also survived the node delete/re-install. Polling usage/wattage seems to be working in almost real time without the need to query. NICE WORK 🍻
  10. @Jimbo.Automates Support had me install the dev packages from the admin Console | Configuration tab | click on Install Dev Packages. Once done, remove Kasa and then reinstall it again. Ignore all timeout errors as it might take up to 15 minutes. After 15min it shows as connected now and my 52 devices are added in the node and in the Admin console but they are fubar, even after an Admin Console restart and even after a EISY reboot: I tried deleting a couple from the node server that I don't have configured in programs and in UD Mobile to see if that changes anything, after restarts of the AC and EISY still fubar. None of the new nodes match up to the previous devices in programs or configured in UD mobile. Once this Node is fixed am I going to have to configure 100's of devices throughout the AC and UD Mobile?
  11. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  12. Mine does as well. It thinks it is running too 'Plugin Start: Already running.' Also after the last update/reboot the node can't get to the logs when I try to download logs: PG3x Version 3.2.16 Status: Connected Frontend Version: 3.2.16 IoX Version: 5.7.1 Connected Uptime: 7 Hour(s) 57 Minute(s) 1 Second(s) (c) 2023 UDI Getting Started File not found: /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9025fc4_2/logs/debug.log
  13. I am on IoX 5.7.1, PG3x Version 3.2.16, and Kasa 3.1.1. I updated, rebooted, reinstalled and get the same error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kasa' I put in a ticket.
  14. Also moving the sync functionality back to the home page or at least to the Parent node.
  15. From home, I select my EISY, then a lot of times I have to select more to get to the variables, programs and what not. I recent change that is kind of a pain. I would think that could all be on 1 sub page, it could also be a span of 3 wide. And when browsing the EISY, I don't see a difference between "Devices" and "Devices and Scenes".
  16. @Javi 1.1.38 resolved the issue I had with tiles spans in this thread. 🔥👍🏻
  17. 1.1.37 resolved the scenes live updates. THANK YOU
  18. No, it was OK after a reboot you suggested. I was just looking for info on what to expect. I don't have a local connection configured because I thought it was causing trouble with this. It might be hard to troubleshoot because this screen does not work and says the portal is offline. Is there a IoX URL that displays these connections, something I can get to outside of the app and when the app thinks UD cloud is offline? I am playing with a MQTT node from the non-prod store and have a MQTT explorer running wonder if that causing the issue.
  19. @JaviMy not expired connections currently looks like this, would the non-portal connection be PG3x? I don't currently have any Admin Consoles open, would an MQTT Explorer count?
  20. Like EISY and IoX 5.7.0?
  21. Is there a troubleshooting procedure for that? Don’t use home bridge and I haven’t had to look at that since the direct connections from MobiLinc mobile app days. Great work on the mobile app
  22. And this then this: Is there an outage tonight?
  23. @Javi there still seems to be updating issues with scenes too. If I press a button to turn on a light that is a scene, I have to go out of the page and back in to see the status change. Just rebooted and Getting this error also:
  24. 1.1.36 fixed the variables! Thank you for such a quick turn around. Text is slightly larger as well:
  25. I ended up settling on these rules, I would rather have them only send data on a change but this is giving me real time data from the sensors. Rule1 on tele-DS18B20#Temperature do publish Stat/GenMonitor/Temp {"Time":"%TIMESTAMP%","DS18B20":{"Id":"DS18B20-1","Temperature":%value%},"TempUnit":"F"} endon Rule2 on ANALOG#RANGE do publish Stat/GenMonitor/Batt {"Time":"%TIMESTAMP%","ANALOG": {"Range": %value%} } endon
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