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  1. thanks so much for your help @oberkc WIth everyones help, things are all sorted out now!
  2. thanks for the advice guys. Much appreciated. I'm going to switch my plan to using scenes rather than adjusting the scene within the program. this should simplify everything as i'll then just use programs to turn on the scene rather than adjusting the devices within the scene. Follow up - when switching between scenes using a program, do I need to turn one scene off and the other on or will the new one override the old one?
  3. sorry guys..still relatively new at this but have been kicking around for a while. Moved to a new house and am working on setting up everything the way our family wants it. @MrBill - thanks for the directions on copying programs...here they are Wakeup Lights - [ID 000E][Parent 0001] If Time is 5:00:00AM Then Set 'Kitchen Morning Wakeup' Fade Up Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Wakeup Lights Later - [ID 0013][Parent 0001] If Time is 6:00:00AM Then In 'Kitchen Morning Wakeup' Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen Overhead A' To 60% in 3.0 minutes In 'Kitchen Morning Wakeup' Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen Overhead B' To 60% in 3.0 minutes Wait 1 minute Set 'Kitchen Morning Wakeup' Fade Up Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Wakeup Lights Breakfast - [ID 0014][Parent 0001] If Time is 6:50:00AM Then In 'Kitchen Morning Wakeup' Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen Overhead A' To 100% in 1.0 minute In 'Kitchen Morning Wakeup' Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen Overhead B' To 100% in 1.0 minute Wait 1 minute Set 'Kitchen Island' Fade Up Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') then at 9 AM, I turn them off and the reset program should kick in Wakeup Lights Off - [ID 0015][Parent 0001] If Time is 9:00:00AM Then Set 'Kitchen Morning Wakeup' Fade Down Wait 20 minutes Run Program 'Wakeup Lights Reset' (Then Path) Stop program 'Wakeup Lights Off' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Wakeup Lights Reset - [ID 001B][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then In 'Kitchen Morning Wakeup' Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen Overhead A' To 20% in 2.0 minutes In 'Kitchen Morning Wakeup' Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen Overhead B' To 20% in 2.0 minutes Wait 5 minutes Stop program 'Wakeup Lights Reset' Any assistance would be greatly appreciated... THanks Guys! Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. Hi all. Recently switched to 5.3 and am having issues with a program I’m trying to run for lights. here is the theory: I’d like my kitchen lights to come on at 5:00am at 20% and then at set times increase as I wake up. here are the programs that I use. There is one scene -am kitchen lights and I adjust the on percentages and ramp rate before turning on the scene again at a later time if time is 5am then set individual devices in scene to on rate of 20% and ramp rate of 2 min wait 2 minutes Set scene “am kitchen lights” on the program is repeated with the same steps above turning the lights on at 60% and 100% with same fade up rates at 6:00 and 7:00am on the 7:00 am program, I have an extra line saying to “run program then path “am kitchen light reset”” which is as follows in scene “amkitchenlights” set devices in scene back to 20% and 2 min ramp rate. There are no other lines in this program the problem I am having is that this runs fine one day then the next day, the lights don’t initially turn on at 5 at 20% but at 100%. Can anyone help me out with the programming aspect of this. thanks
  5. Hi Stu, thanks so much for your help. In order to make what I want have happen, I have to adjust the responders in the scene to different levels then If i program this into ISy to change the on level based on a time, will it automatically trigger the change in on level? or do I have to write a separate program to do this. Here is the program I came up with Evening Lights - [iD 004D][Parent 0031] If Time is 8:05:00PM Then In Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Livingroom Day' Set 'Livingroom Light 2' 90% (On Level) In Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Livingroom Day' Set 'Livingroom Light 3' 90% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') So I tried to implement this but there was no change on the on level of the lights with the responders when the time reached 8:05 pm. I did notice that the ISY wrote some adjustments to the scene. When I tried turning off the scene and turning it back on again, it did write it to 90% instead of the scenes original 80%. What am i missing here? Here is want I want. Scene is on with lights at 80%. As it gets darker outside (with the scene still on), i would like the on responders to fade up to 90%. Is this possible? Thanks
  6. Ok. So if I want to have 3 scenes for morning, day and night, the way to change the on level of the scenes is to use a program? Here's my program that I wrote and the on seems to work but the switch between the two scenes does not. Evening Lights - [iD 004D][Parent 0031] If From 5:10:00AM To Sunset - 2 hours (same day) And ( Status 'Livingroom Keypad Local' is 100% Or Control 'Livingroom Keypad Local' is switched On ) Then Set Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Mainfloor Evening' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') My next program to make the switch was as follows: If time is sunset - 2 hours And ( Status 'Livingroom Keypad Local' is 100% Or Control 'Livingroom Keypad Local' is switched On ) Then Set Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Mainfloor Night On Set Scene Main Floor / Livingroom / Mainfloor Evening Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I think this is where my problem lies. When I ran this, all the responders in the scene went off (the responders in the two scenes are the same so I imagine this is why) What I would like to have happen is to have the the responders to either ramp up to the desired on level (ie. if they are on at 60%, to ramp up to 80% when the time hits sunset - 2 hours) How would I adjust my program/scenes to do what I would like them to do?
  7. Hello Everyone. I'm looking for some advice on how to accomplish the following scenario. I have one scene set to turn on throughout the day at 60% on rate It's set up as follows: Livingroom Day Scene - responders set to come on at 60% controller - Keypadlinc button c responder - livingroom light 1, livingroom light 2 as it gets darker at night and the scene is still on, i'd like the lights in the scene to automatically adjust to say 80% on level. Would I have to do this through the use of another scene or use a program to accomplish this? Thanks in advance calberrt
  8. Hi Guys, My programs are working flawlessly thanks to those on this forum. My next step is to add a bit of logic and I cant seem to think it through. See it's still warm here in Canada (not sure for how much longer) and when I let the dog out, we don't always close the sliding door, we may just leave the screen door blocking the entrance. Now my program work flawlessly when I let the dog out to open and close the door the first time Backyard Lights Night - [iD 0018][Parent 0060] If From 9:15:01PM To Sunrise + 15 minutes (next day) And ( Control 'Sliding Door Open' is switched On And $Dog_Out is 0 ) Then Set 'Backyard Keypad' On Set Scene 'Main Floor / Landscape Lights On' On Wait 15 seconds $Dog_Out = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') and then works flawlessly when the door is opened and closed again to let the dog in Backyard Lights Night Off - [iD 0019][Parent 0060] If From 9:15:01PM To Sunrise + 15 minutes (next day) And ( Control 'Sliding Door Open' is switched On And $Dog_Out is 1 ) Then Wait 20 seconds Set 'Backyard Keypad' Off Set Scene 'Main Floor / Landscape Lights On' Off Wait 15 seconds $Dog_Out = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Effectively what I would like to do is add in some logic that says If the sliding door is left open for a certain amount of time, say 10 minutes and then is closed, have the lights turn off. Right now, if this happens based on the above programming, I would be required to open and close the door again before the lights will turn off. How can i modify/re-write my program to make this happen? Any help would be greatly appreaciated Thanks all! calberrt
  9. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you know that I got everything sorted out. I'm not quite sure what happened by the program now just works. Thanks for confirmation that my programming logic was correct
  10. Hi Everyone, sorry for the delayed response as work rules my life until the evening time. I'm sure we can all relate The problem that I am having is this. The program will work flawlessly prior to midnight but doesn't seem to work after midnight. The variable Dog_Out is set up as a state variable, This variables intention was solely to track the state of our dog, 0 - inside, 1 - outside I intended the trigger to be the opening of the sliding door (controlled by a open/close sensor) Xathros - The program will work flawlessly prior to midnight but doesn't seem to trigger after midnight and I'm not quite sure why The two items are not included in the same scene after 9:15pm as "from sunset to 9:15pm", I don't want to control them together as the landscape lighting is linked to not only the backyard landscape lighting but also controls the front landscape lighting as well (run off the same transformer and appliancelinc) The program for pre-9:15pm (programmed similar with only different time constraints) functions fine. I hope this helps. Again, for some reason, it works fine prior to midnight but does not seem to trigger when I wake up first thing in the morning to let the dog out. Any ideas?
  11. Hi All, If anyone can provide me with a bit of advice here it would be greatly appreciated. I have a program that turns the back door lights on when the sliding door is open to let the dog out between 9:15 pm to 15 minutes after sunset. Anyone have any idea why or things I could check to make sure it's setup right on my ISY. Here's the program Backyard Lights Night - [iD 0018][Parent 0060] If From 9:15:01PM To Sunrise + 15 minutes (next day) And ( Control 'Sliding Door Open' is switched On And $Dog_Out is 0 ) Then Set 'Backyard Keypad' On Set Scene 'Main Floor / Landscape Lights On' On Wait 15 seconds $Dog_Out = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I also have a program that will turn the lights off and set Dog_Out = 0 again. I will include incase that is where the issue is. Backyard Lights Night Off - [iD 0019][Parent 0060] If From 9:15:01PM To Sunrise + 15 minutes (next day) And ( Control 'Sliding Door Open' is switched On And $Dog_Out is 1 ) Then Wait 20 seconds Set 'Backyard Keypad' Off Set Scene 'Main Floor / Landscape Lights On' Off Wait 15 seconds $Dog_Out = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
  12. Hi Guys, I have a dog that likes to go outside at night. I have written a program that turns on the backyard lights when I open the sliding door. It works perfectly. Here it is. Backyard Lights ON - [iD 0058][Parent 0060] If Program 'Dark Outside' is True And Control 'Sliding Door Open' is switched On Then Set 'Backyard Keypad' On Set 'Landscape Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I would then shut the door. What I would like to do is to write another program that will automatically turn off the lights when I open the sliding door again to let him in. I cant seem to wrap my head around how to test if the door is opened within say 10 minutes of the original door being opened. If this happens, I'd like the lights to turn off. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Calberrt
  13. Hello Everyone, I had my fanlinc working fine with scenes and a 4 button setup on a keypadlinc. I now would like to only control is using 2 buttons, one for increasing fan speed and one for decreasing fan speed I have a few questions: 1. Should the buttons be set to toggle or non-toggle modes. When i was using scenes, the buttons were set to non-toggle 2. I imagine i would have to create a state variable "Fan Speed" and write a program to adjust the value of the variable. Here's what I had but I could not get the value of the variable to change within the ISY by turning on the button on the kpl If "control" bedside keypad Fan Speed Increase (button name) is switched on Then sFanspeed +=1 (sFanspeed is initiated to 0) After this, it should be relatively straightforward no? Write a program that tests for the value of "sFanspeed" and set the speed on the fanlinc motor appropriately (ie. 1=low, 2=med, 3=high) then when the value of sFanspeed >3, set value to 0, fan motor speed to off. Of course, this would work for one button operation but would need a bit of a change in programming to implement the decreasing side of the programming. Advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Calberrt
  14. Thanks for replying...I confirmed that the variables are set up as state variables as opposed to integer variables
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