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Bob P.

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Everything posted by Bob P.

  1. I'm confused. When I log into the console through its IP address, I need to use my ISY credentials, but if I access the console through the portal (ISY Web Access>Settings> Install Admin Console), I now need to use my portal credentials. Same screen prompt, different username and password.
  2. They are both at 4.3.26.
  3. UGH! My Portal email address is long, Kind of a drag typing it in every time I open the Admin Console. Can I change my user ID and password on the ISY back to what it used to be? (I know the procedure, but I'm afraid it will break something).
  4. I can access the portal and web access, but not the Admin Tool. The "ISY Information" option in the portal provides two URLs, one to be pasted into the finder for Admin Console access, and the other has a direct link to the ISY. Neither one works. The "URL to ISY" link returns a page saying "User Authorization Not Valid". I added the Admin Console URL to my finder, but it gives me a blank console without the login dialog box. I tried the URL to ISY link from the computer local to the ISY, and got a login dialog. I put in my ISY ID and password, and the "User Authorization Not Valid" screen came up. Should the portal email address and password go in that dialog? I can't get the password prompt back now - It just goes directly to the "User Authorization Not Valid" screen.
  5. Is it possible for the portal login to save the email address? It's kind of a pain to type it in every time.
  6. Hi Stu, The link you attached is for the echo setup, not for the admin console. After I updated the UI, and accepted the device for the portal, the device URLs don't work. The "URL to ISY" link returns a page saying "User Authorization Not Valid". I added the Admin Console URL to my finder, but it gives ma a blank console without the login dialog box.
  7. I just installed the ISY portal. I was using port forwarding through DYNDNS (HTTP port 8020). My Admin Console "Portals" tab is blank. I've selected "Automatic (DHCP)" in the System Network Settings tab per the instructions. What should the HTTP and HTTPS port setting be? Update: I updated the UI, and accepted the device for the portal, but the device URLs don't work. The "URL to ISY" link returns a page saying "User Authorization Not Valid". I added the Admin Console URL to my finder, but it gives ma a blank console without the login dialog box.
  8. I recall adding an integer variable with the same name as an existing state variable, and my ISY totally locked up. I had to do a factory reset and backup restore to get it back. I'm not sure if this was a fluke, but be careful when changing variables from state to integer.
  9. I've found that increasing the home radius has a significant effect on sensing the arrival. It's easy for the phone to know if it's outside a small fence because most position errors don't bring it back into the circle. It's harder to know if you're inside the fence, because position errors are apt to indicate that you're outside the fence. Increasing the radius from 100 meters to 300 meters usually doesn't impact functionality that much, but it makes it much easier for the phone to know that you're home.
  10. Waketech, I got a 16 channel POE injector that sits on top of my switch (PowerDSine). Short jumpers go to the POE unit, and out to the cameras. Anything not POE goes straight from the switch. Every POE device that I've plugged in has worked fine. I see there are lots of cheap POE switches on ebay, and if you go that route, many of them seem to have configurable POE/Non-POE ports. Here's some text from an injector unit on ebay: "The 7012G is also safe to use on non-PoE devices, because the injector first tests the line to make sure it is safe to send power. If the device indicates it is PoE compliant, then the injector supplies 55 VDC on pins 4&5 (+) and 7&8 (-) on the CATx cable." I was kind of surprised at the 55 volts, since most of these cameras and other devices run on 5VDC, 24VDC, or other, but that seems to be a standard. I guess the devices handle dongle power and POE power differently.
  11. Thanks for the help, Lee. It's a bit confusing, but I think I get it. I rewrote with two programs to separate the "If" and "then" functions. I also changed my variable from a state to an integer. Since I wanted the humidifier to keep running if it was still humid, and not cycle off and back on, I added a second wait after resetting my variable, but before turning off the dehumidifier. This seems to work the way I want it to. Here are my programs: Thanks again, Bob
  12. oberkc, I think elvis was referring to the variable name "iPhone_5_Limetree".
  13. This program turns on my humidifier when the humidity is above 63%, whch works fine. The problem is that it doesn't set my "Dehumidify" state variable back to zero, or turn off the dehumidifier after the wait time is over. I've experienced this with other similar programs using Wait functions as well. Does anyone know why this doesn't work?
  14. Hi Gweempose I went to the start button, and typed in "Firewall", and then selected "Allow a Program Through Windows Firewall. In my case, there was an unchecked box named "ISY Control." I clicked the button to "Change Settings" and enabled it for public networks. In your case, if there isn't already an "ISY Controls" listed, you should try clicking "Allow another Program" and browse to something like "C:\users\YourName\appdata\local\temp\temp1_isycontrol056.zip\isycontrol.exe". As I look at it now, it seems funny (and maybe wrong) that my .exe file is tucked away in a zip file inside a temporary directory, but that worked for me. You may also want to search your hard drive for the "isycontrol.exe" file and point to that location instead.
  15. Thanks Michel, that solved it for me. I went to the "allowed Programs" in Windows Firewall and checked the un-checked box for ISY. It seems to work now.
  16. I ran the Java uninstall tool and it said "No out of date versions of Java were found." My console wasn't doing this yesterday, but today I updated the firmware, and this behavior now occurs.
  17. I rebooted, and the same thing still happens. I renamed a bunch of folders and devices, and nothing appeared to change. Minimized and expanded the network folder, went to the program tab and back. Once I logged off and back on, all of the changes were displayed.
  18. I just updated the firmware to 4.2.15, and I'm having the same issues. I've updated the console and flushed the Java cache. My "about" tab shows v4.2.15 for both the firmware and UI. If I try to move a device or remove it from a scene, the device tree doesn't update its display. It doesn't lock up, everything still generally navigates normally, but it doesn't update the device tree until I log off and back on. I'm using the http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.2.15/admin.jnlp admin console (That's the 4.2.15 version. I guess the forum truncates the text in the middle.)
  19. Bob P.

    Why Use Scenes?

    Thanks for all the info. It seemed that the scenes were mainly an extra layer to deal with, but I can see how they have benefits.
  20. Bob P.

    Why Use Scenes?

    Are scenes too fast sometimes? Does turning on everything at once cause data collissions I had a scene that turned on three lamps. When the scene was turned on ("If sunset, Then, Turn Scene X"), one of the lamps wouldn't respond. When I changed the program to just - "If sunset, Then, Turn on lamp 1, 2, 3", it worked fine. I still need the ISY running to turn on at sunset. Since I don't really care if the three lamps turn on in quick succession (especially since they're ramping), I don't see that as a drawback. Are direct commands really a big plus? As long as the ISY is reliable, the delay doesn't seem like a big issue.
  21. Bob P.

    Why Use Scenes?

    With the ISY, I'm trying to figure out why the extra step of defining scenes is desirable. It seems easy enough to just turn things on and off with programs, based on switches being switched and other conditions. Am I missing some basic functionality, or is it just personal preference?
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