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Everything posted by jimsander

  1. Was messing around with some z-wave controllers to see about finally getting that arcane Wayne Dalton "Gateway" (WHDA-12) device functional, and just found this old thread while googling around. That's a bummer to hear there's been no progress on this z-wave scene support. I understand being stretched thin, so I can empathize.
  2. i must have some config issue like also, but also the issue of Alexa devices not finding my published devices/programs. Pretty sure it will come down to an account/subaccount broken association on the isy.io config side.. But.. initially, in ISY - I created my account under my isy email addresss (different from my amazon email) and added ... after discovery issues, and seeing the My Profile not showing a linked Amazon Account - I then revoked the portal registration (admin console -> configuration -> Portals tab) and re-added the device to the ISY.IO portal but this time with the amazon user account After linking via the echo.amazon.com portal, I still see no "Amazon account linked to" value in "My Profile" for the amazon user profile.. yet, the ISY objects are populated in the device list. I figured port forwarding of the http/https ports might be an issue, so tried toggling those off/on, no difference in discovery by amazon echo. Would be fun to use this module. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0M_W3SMHLMNkxrRVhmQXZLRzg/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0M_W3SMHLMbHMxZUYwNTVNdjg/view?usp=sharing
  3. I see something similar, where one switch (S-GuestBedroom) is inadvertently controlling another (Bath1.Vanity). I took a look at the device table and, sure enough, the unintended responding switch was in the table, along with the intended device. Tried removing the controlling device and re-adding, twice. First time used 'Remove Existing', second time, used 'Add devices found in links, remove existing links'. No difference. So, I ran the Diagnostics -> Show Device Links Table selected 'Compare' and found issues where there was a reference to the controlling device in the vanity device's table I have no scene's or programs that would relate these 2 devices. My solution was to save the device table, edit xml by removing the 2 stanzas (changing the index count appropriately) and reloading. It fixed the mystery of "Who the hell keeps turning off the bathroom light?" CONTROLLING DEVICE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0M_W3SMHLMenFCczZNVU1qLTg/view?usp=sharing BEFORE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0M_W3SMHLMZUFWbnhfNUJyM2c/view?usp=sharing AFTER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0M_W3SMHLMZ3l0QnpLNE04TDQ/view?usp=sharing
  4. Thanks Michel. Just to keep the status going, I have both Firmware and UI @ 4.5.1, have excluded then re-included the WDHA-12 and still has no other attributes to program against. ScreenShots
  5. HI Michael... any updates on the multi-channel zwave support? (Firmware @ 4.5.1 and UI 4.3.26) I also am playing with the WDHA-12R and was able to add it as a "Controller" but it seems to be a stub, can't get any of the scene-buttons "discovered".
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