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  1. To set up a Notify to, say your email, you need to go to Configuration --> Email/Notifications --> Setting/Groups Now when I look at it now.. I have my SMTP Settings Check Use Default which before migration to Eisy, I had filled in with my SMTP server and such, but the migration cleared that out and may be using SMTP server from UD. I may have to change that because sometimes I am getting delays. Moving on -- in the Groups area is defined Default its Recipients be an email address. I created another name under Default and called it My Phone It is on the Verizon network and they have text SMTP domain called @vtext.com and so my recipient would by my cell phone # and their mail domain .i.e xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com All Cell phone carriers have an SMTP domain for sending Text to phone SMS I also went to Customizations under the same tab, created a new item. NAME Customized Content Front Door Unlocked Front Door has been Unlocked <-- put that in the Subject line and set the bottom to Default Subject Be sure to hit Save on the bottom.. I overlook that so many times.. Then back into your program add the Send Notification to 'My Phone" content 'Front Door Unlocked' to where you need it. Hope that gives your some ideas..
  2. I also just purchased a Schlage Lock BE469ZP and have seen the long query updates happen. Mostly if someone is manually turning the lock, a status update does not seem to go out from the lock. It waits for a query to happen. I set up a program to query every 15 mins and seemed to fill the gap for me, but I noticed that battery level has dropped 15% in a 2 week process. Not sue if the excessive query is causing the drain. So if some comes in with a code, I believe that lock sends a status up date, but I do not have enough traffic coming Inbound to test. Most of my traffic is unlocking the door from the inside manually, to answer the door, check snail mail, and walk the dog. Even when I manually lock the door, no status update is being passed that I can tell. I did set up a program when the house is closing up, to query and if unlocked, send me a notice and lock the door. That helps answer my wifes question... "Did you lock the Front door??" Not sure if any of this anecdotal observations help...
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