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Jason Flippin

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Everything posted by Jason Flippin

  1. What sensor is compatible with the reverse trigger? I would like to replace the one that came with the I/O Linc so I can use reverse trigger again and get my KPL lights back to normal. Thanks!
  2. Nothing else on that circuit, but we daisy chained the new outlet the poe switch is on to the I/O Linc outlet. I'll rule it out by unplugging the switch for a few days and if its still there then maybe its the outlet itself. Maybe I can find another place to tie that switch in. Thanks for the assistance.
  3. I hear you, but I am looking to understand the ISY interface itself better. Is there any type of counters indicating an error or something like that?
  4. The only thing that has changed is I added a PoE network switch at the end of that circuit recently. That is when everything became intermittent. Are switches problematic or could there be something up with the outlet itself? How would one diagnose that? Thanks!
  5. I am having an issue with my Insteon garage door linc lately where the relay/sensor show up with red exclamations in the ISY. If I unplug the control linc it will seem to function for a few days but then eventually goes back into this broken state. Where does one start troubleshooting an issue like this? I've tried to look in the logs somewhat but haven't been able to figure anything out as of yet. Thanks for any help in advance!
  6. I will look into other programs. I do have variations of the same thing for troubleshooting but had been somewhat diligent on disabling them. I'll double check and retry. Thanks for the input
  7. NestHomeAway is a variable that tracks our phones and it is working good with another program but I can take that out if needed. But, I am getting the alert it just doesn't seem to be waiting 30 minutes If ( $NestHomeAway > 0 ) And Status 'Garage-Sensor' is On Then Wait 30 minutes Send Notification to 'Jason' content 'Garage.Alarm' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  8. I've been trying to get this set up and I have the program set up as you have outlined above but I seem to get alerts right away. It doesn't seem to be waiting the 30 minutes. Any ideas?
  9. I have the insteon garage door kit and I am trying to figure out how to create an alert if the garage door was left open for 30 minutes from 7pm to 7am. And for bonus points how I could silence the alert with another program for a few hours (say I had the garage open for some reason that night intentionally after 7). I know I could disable the alert but then there would be a good chance I would forget to re-enable it. All ideas appreciated! Thanks!
  10. Yeah, I think I will do a preset scene at 75% or so. Thanks for the tips everyone
  11. Well, that was easy, I didn't realize the main button would dim as well! Thanks!
  12. guedesluz - what actuators did you end up using? Did you get this up and running? I have a need to do something similar, so just curious. Thanks
  13. I replaced one of my dimmer switches with the keypad linc and would like to get the keypad linc to takeover that dimming function. I am trying to use the first button as the Main On/Off for the switch and buttons 3 & 4 as the Bright/Dim functions. I have tried a number of different searches to find an example then tried to guess my way through setting it up in the ISY but haven't had much success other than the On/Off. If someone could help lead me down the right path, I would appreciate it!
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