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  1. No, the jnlp is just a tiny text file that tells java where to find the actual program (the codebase at the top and all the <jar...> lines). Here it is, in it's entirety, for 4.3.26: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.3.26" href="admin.jnlp"> <information> <title>ISY994 Administrative Console</title> <vendor>Universal Devices, Inc.</vendor> <description>Configuration Utility for ISY</description> <homepage href="http://www.universal-devices.com"/> <description kind="short">ISY Admin Console</description> <shortcut online="true"><desktop/><menu submenu="ISY994 Series"/></shortcut> <icon href="udlogo.png" kind="splash"/> <icon href="isy.jpg" /> <offline-allowed/> </information> <security><all-permissions/></security> <update check="background" policy="always"/> <resources> <jar href="insteon.jar" download="eager"/> <jar href="ce.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="chart.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="fp.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="RXTX.jar" download="lazy"/> <j2se version="1.7+" href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"/> </resources> <application-desc main-class="com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet"> <argument>urn:udi-com:device:X_Insteon_Lighting_Device:1</argument> </application-desc></jnlp> So it doesn't depend on the browser in any way, but it is not everything that's needed to run the console either, it just points at it. If you're really curious, the full spec for jnlp is here. Yours Dirk
  2. @jerlands: That was a good link! The jnlp is just a little metafile, not the actual app, so that didn't help. But the linked article mentioned the Java exception table. Adding my ISY IP to that allowed me to start the console from the IP address, which worked as it didn't need to find it using broadcast or something like that. @KMan: The router is a T-Mobile rebranded Asus AC-1900. I couldn't see any obvious options that would turn it into a switch, it really wants to be a router and given that it handles Wifi and other things it probably has to. Anyway, that problem is solved (see above), so for now I'll keep my two DHCPs. Thanks for your help! Now I need to figure out how to upgrade the firmware from Linux. But that's a different thread...
  3. Hi All, thanks for the quick responses! I really like this community. @KMan You're right, both of them work as DHCP servers, and the ISY is on a different network. But that network is reachable (I can telnet into the ISY, and I can access the web interface, it's just broken), so I think that's ok. My problem is that I don't see any way to manually enter the IP address/URL of the ISY. I don't seem to get the ISY finder window. When I start the admin console I only get the empty console window with Logon greyed out. I pushed every button there was in it, but none of them do anything (not really surprising as it's not connected). I did clear the Java cache, but it didn't seem to make a difference. I'm getting my console from http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i/, the one from my actual ISY doesn't pass the Java security (missing manifest). Is there a way to force the ISY finder window to open? If not, is there a way to update the firmware from the shell, or in general without the admin console running? Thanks! Dirk
  4. Hi Jon, thanks for the quick response! No, it has always been on DHCP and still is. It just used to be that the computer was connected to the same router as the ISY, but now it is PC -> Router1 -> Router2 -> ISY, and the admin console doesn't seem to find it any more (Login is greyed out). To my big surprise my computer actually does have a serial port and I do still have the cable that came with the ISY. But it's female on the serial side, so I can't plug it in. I haven't used a serial gender changers in 15+ years (and I was hoping never again having to do it...), so I need to dig deep to see if I can still find one. In any case, I can telnet into the system and get to the shell. I'm just not sure how that helps me, as I don't seem to be able to do anything major in there. So the question remains: how can I tell the admin console where to find my ISY? Thanks! Dirk
  5. Hi All, after rewiring my network (at the strong insistence of wife about the number of cables in the office...) I have not been able to access my ISY. I can start the admin console (from http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i/),but it doesn't find the ISY. How does it try to find it? If it tries broadcast that probably won't work, because there are two routers in the mix. Is there a way to give it the IP address directly? I can't seem to find any option to do that. I can acess the ISY through its IP address, but if I just to go http://<isy'>http://<isy IP>/ I get "/WEB/udajax.htm not found" (could be caused by a botched upgrade, I'm running on Linux and have never been able to make that work). If I try to get the admin console from there ("http://<isy ip>/admin") I get a Java error about a missing manifest. What else can I do? Any hints welcome! Thanks Dirk
  6. It's a little strange that they keep the sensing current going when sensing is off... The nightlight was a good idea, that fixed it! Thanks! Good to know about the On/Off modules, but for this one I do want the dimmer part. Thanks to everybody for the quick responses! I will probably be back for more once I have everything else installed...
  7. Hi All, I'm just getting started with all the home automation goodness, and to get things going I hooked up one my X-Mas LED lights to a LampLinc ('tis the season, what can I say . But even if it's set to off and every indication I have says it's off, the lamps are clearly still on, just at a low level. No problem, just turn off load sensing and all is well, no? Well, no. Even though I follow the instructions (long press, double click) and the responses seem to make sense, there is still some leftover light. The funny thing is that they do turn off completely when I turn them off using the LL or a remote, but after a few seconds they slowly come back a little. Does anybody see the same effect? Any hints what I might be doing wrong? Thanks!
  8. DirkR

    Network Module?

    That's the part that was not obvious! Thanks! Yeah, I know that and that's no problem, as I understand the ISY will do sensible authentication over https. Thanks for the quick responses!
  9. DirkR

    Network Module?

    Hi All, so for my first post on the forum I'm afraid I'll have to ask a really stupid question, but I just have not been able to find an answer to it: the network module is mentioned in many posts for being needed to control the 994 from the outside. But I have not been able to find any info on how to buy one. I can't find it on the resellers' sites nor the UD site. So, how do I but a network module and how much is it? I promise my next questions are going to be more substantial, but I need to get started first... Thanks!
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