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  1. Well, eISYIR has been working great for over a month, but after updating firmware to 5.9.1 the plug-in will not show connected status. I've deleted and reinstalled the plug-in, rebooted the EISY, unplugged and reinstalled the FLIRC, but the polyglot dashboard still shows disconnected status. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. Thanks to all in this thread for the great info. I've been struggling to get my home setup back to the way it was before I replaced the 994i/IR with eisy. The Harmony Elite IR config file was the final puzzle piece. I never realized it used the alternating codes. I'm finally back to reliable operation.
  3. Thanks, Michel. Worked like a charm.
  4. I've been happily using two ISY 99i's since they were first released, and recently got the revoked certificate errors. By using the link in this thread, I can successfully access the Admin console on the ISY on my local LAN. The other ISY is located at a second home at the other end of the state. I access it by using a DYNDNS address and port forwarding through the router there. This is very convenient for changing programs when I am away. How can I access the ISY at the remote location without getting the Revoked Cert errors. Thanks in advance.
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