I could not find any information regarding hardware differences (if any). Is there any difference in functionality or upgrade ability of any 994i (or Pro) either used or a supplier with older stock, etc.? I am planning on using Z-wave and would need to upgrade with the Z-Wave module.
Where or when are those available? I have seen posts about Beta use but could not find any information about the Z-wave module. Is this the same Z-wave chipset used on the Aeon Z Stick? (Not sure if there is only 1 chipset available). I am curious as other HA products have determined that chipset has unresolved traffic issues causing the stick to lock up. Aeon requires long delays between commands to avoid issues! Reading your forums I don't see any comments of that nature (gladly!)
I just stumbled upon your product and am very excited (finally) about reliable HA. Every post I have read is either happily resolved or has a definite resolution (pending software update). It is great to see a responsive company standing behind a reliable product!
Thanks in advance,