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  1. Thanks. I could use the alarm open zone via envisalink-DSC because the doors I open are entry delay so could catch that to force update and then get the user.
  2. Thanks. I recall that now. Was there something called Force Update you had added that could be used to effectively lower polling interval?
  3. That sound good! As we discussed in the past (can't find thread or DM but recall the exchange), the ability to catch the unlock event and the Access Code (not the actual number but a representation) would be a great feature for me. With the Schlage ZWave locks these WiFi versions replaced I used a UserNumber and with that via a program then sent a Disarm security command via Envisalink (likely using NodeLink at that time). I had a user on the lock with the Distress Code so that code could be entered on the lock to send through as Distress code to alarm monitoring. This was a big plus when having hands full coming in door located near alarm keypad and even greater to allow entry though doors not near the keypads.
  4. Thanks. If we get to that point, does it look like access_code_id could be used in programs to identity the code used to disarm?
  5. Thanks. @Goose66 I suspected that it would not be until python was updated on eISY. However, once/if that occurs, would the newer library provide features like detection of who just unlocked the door? Going into an area I don’t know, do you think/guess will it be possible to use the updated library from another box like rpi or on eISY once the HomeAssitant extension is released to leverage those features?
  6. Good morning @Goose66 I was just reading about the plugin issues related to library version and supporting python version required to run it. That prompted me to look at the public documentation for pyschlage. I notice some methods that may have been added at some point. With these methods (if I read correctly -- big if) could we possibly now detect unlock events and quickly get the user that unlocked it? for example method below. Thanks! lasspyschlage.log.LockLog(created_at: datetime, message: str, accessor_id: str | None = None, access_code_id: str | None = None) A lock log entry. access_code_id: str | None= None Unique identifier for the access code that triggered the log entry. accessor_id: str | None= None Unique identifier for the user that triggered the log entry. created_at: datetime The time at which the log entry was created. message: str The human-readable message associated with the log entry.
  7. Thanks @paulbates
  8. Thank you.
  9. @bmercier , thanks for great plugin and updates. I received notification the a new version is available. Where are release notes posted or is it just internal cleanup?
  10. hart2hart


    Only as a point of reference, I have 3 7900. They all have 6.93 fw (which is the latest & been that for years) and function as desired.
  11. hart2hart


    I use humidity control and the values for Humidifier Active are True and False as Goose describes. Do you have the Thermostat setting for Stages and Outputs then Aux Output Stage set to Hum?
  12. Hi. I created the following programs when I moved from NodeLink to EnvisaLink-DSC to account for differences in their state tracking models. The goal is to have 3 variables that tracks Security Armed/Disarmed, Security Away Armed/Disarmed, and Security Stay Armed/Disarmed. It looks like they are still fine but could be updated now to simpler representation. Can you take a quick look to see if you agree? Security:Set Armed - [ID 003A][Parent 000C] If ( 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Away Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Away Zero-Entry Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Stay Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Stay Zero-Entry ) And $Security_Armed is not 1 Then $Security_Armed = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Security:Set Disarmed - [ID 0059][Parent 000C] If ( 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Ready Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Not Ready ) And $Security_Armed is not 0 Then $Security_Armed = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Security:Set Armed Away Armed - [ID 0005][Parent 000C] If ( 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Away Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Away Zero-Entry ) And $Security_Armed_Away is not 1 Then $Security_Armed_Away = 1 $Security_Armed_Away_I = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Security:Set Armed Away Disarmed - [ID 0031][Parent 000C] If ( 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is not Armed Away And 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is not Armed Away Zero-Entry ) And $Security_Armed_Away is not 0 Then $Security_Armed_Away = 0 $Security_Armed_Away_I = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Security:Set Armed Stay Armed - [ID 005C][Parent 000C] If ( 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Stay Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Stay Zero-Entry ) And $Security_Armed_Stay is not 1 Then $Security_Armed_Stay = 1 $Security_Armed_Stay_I = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Security:Set Armed Stay Disarmed - [ID 005D][Parent 000C] If ( 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is not Armed Stay And 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is not Armed Stay Zero-Entry ) And $Security_Armed_Stay is not 0 Then $Security_Armed_Stay = 0 $Security_Armed_Stay_I = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. I used nodelink and moved to envisalink-DSC a couple years ago. It does update status and last user.
  14. I recapped every capacitor and brought two of them back to life. This included the daughter card capacitors. None of the capacitors had ruptured and were not even swollen.
  15. It sure did and I did same with Nodelink. It’s where I became acquainted with optimal humidity levels based on temperature.
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