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Everything posted by TheGent

  1. I changed my Network Settings to automatic and the emails are being sent using the default ISY email settings. Also I just ran one of the programs that still has the "notify all" line and 1 out of the 2 email address that were listed in the original and current email configuration received the notification. CJVann, see my earlier post, I think its a bug.
  2. Happy New Year guys! Have a few issues with 2.7.8 When I tried to test the default SMTP settings, I am kicked to the emails/notification tab (which I assume is normal), then when I hit test, I get [-50010] Mail server DNS error [null]. No email was sent. The default setting worked fine in 2.7.7. Issue 2. When trying to setup email addresses, it seemed I had to add and remove additional addresses to get the original one to appear. I tried to add a regular email address and when I hit ok, instead of the email address showing up, it was displaying the "enter your full email address" or whatever it said (Can't remember and can't recreate because of issue 3 that just started). Issue 3. When trying to add an email address, the "add" but next to "regular email" can't be clicked. Edited to add: When I tried the test again, along with the mail server dns error was this message: [-140000] HTTP client DNS error [datafeed.weatherbug.com] I also noticed the the old "notification to all" is still present in the programs that haven't been saved with the new emails. I did a "run then" on a program that had the old notify all option and that failed as well.
  3. I'd like to be able to send notifications to different addresses depending on conditions/programs but my only option is "Notify All". Is this something that's going to be fixed or isn't it considered a problem? Mike
  4. What I've done is create a scene with only the button/buttons used to control a light/appliance. Then I have a program that turns that buttons only scene on if the light or appliance status is on. Then for ELSE I have the scene turned off. Example: If Status 'TV - Kitchen' is On Then Set Scene 'Sync - Kitchen TV' On Else Set Scene 'Sync - Kitchen TV' Off My "Sync" scene has only the 4 KPL buttons that control the tv.
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