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  1. i, too, am having send e-mail and text message failures. This has NOTHING to do with Universal Devices e-mail servers. I have always used one of my own ISP e-mail and mobile phone carrier text services. My configuration does basic home automation using "Programs only". The messages are all sent through "Notification" statements in programs. Both e-mail and text message worked properly for many months and quit working some time ago. I do not know exactly when the function stopped working because I use the Notifications primarily when testing. I turn them off (with a logical condition) to avoid unwanted messages chatter. Nothing I have tried has had any positive effect. The ISY is hardwired to my router and has a very reliable connections. The network connection parameters are all as accepted and as work for about 20 other connected devices in the house for all sorts of Internet traffic. I can synchronize the ISY's clock with an Internet time server by pressing "Synchronize Now". Therefore, by the logic in a previous post, the ISY must be connected to the Internet. I have carefully entered my e-mail user ID, password my ISP's send-mail parameters. I have successfully logged into a web session e-mail logon using my ID and password. This same information has been cut-and-pasted into the ISY SMTP e-mail settings -- so the same ones are being used -- does not work When I run the program "Notification" statement it seems to complete but no message is ever delivered to the target user. When I press the "Test" button on the "Email/Notifications" - "Customization" panel I receive a pop-up message saying: Error Mail Server Failure (Password not accepted) ... the last two lines are displayed twice... I have worked through every documented combination of SMTP Settings that I can imagine. None work. I have also tried sending a text message through my mobile phone carrier. I get the same message as above, but the error text is not repeated.Getting a password failure when sending a text message does not make any sense. The message is sent directly to my "phoneNumber@carrierTextService" function. No password is required so how can there be a password failure? Since both e-mail and text suffer from the same malady. Either: The ISY is running into, and reporting, an internal condition that it reports as a password failure. Or, Both e-mail and text messaging are getting through to the provider and the provider is responding with an error. A number of users are having troubles similar to this. My "sniff test" says there are too many of us having this Sudden problem for it not to have some basis in reality. Would someone in Tech Support please look into it. If you need any more detail I will be happy to provide it.
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