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Everything posted by madman

  1. You can do If From Sunset To 10:21:00PM (same day) Then Set 'Front Room / Front Rm Lamp' On Else Set 'Front Room / Front Rm Lamp' Off You might need a "timer" program in case someone turns off the light while the program is between sunset and stipulated time to turn it back on
  2. You can turn them on one by one if you don't use a scene. In the program you could have something like: If Something Then Turn Candle 1 on Wait 1 minute Turn Candle 2 on Wait 1 minute Turn Candle 3 on etc...
  3. That's a nice review and answers my question about this device. But forum posts shouldn't be considered official documentation. I still think it would be nice for UDI to list all the compatible devices in the manual or on the Wiki.
  4. I think that for new users it would be nice. I just got my ISY a couple of weeks ago and I'm not sure if all devices are supported. But thanks for the feedback
  5. Would be nice to have a list of all compatible devices somewhere on the Wiki. I seacrhed everywhere and could not find out if the 2663-222 On/Off Outlets are fully supported.
  6. I do have the ID's, location, and what it controls written down. Thanks for the quick reply.
  7. Quick question. Iḿ about to aquire an ISY controller. In order to link ISY to an Insteon Micro On/Off Switch, do I have to use the "set" button on the Micro swicth? Having to push the "set" button would kinda suck, since I have some micro swicthes in some pretty hard to reach places.
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