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  1. Michael helped me, it ended up being a sync issue with the portal it seems. Logged out entirely and then was able to log back in and get it all connected up! Thanks for the ideas guys!
  2. Yes I am!
  3. Yeah, it is, i'll dig it up and ask him. Ty!
  4. Yeah it's in this state in the PG3 site. Is disconnected from ISY, but won't find the ISY automatically or when specified manually. (with http, or https. I've verified ports in the ISY console. It says a restart is required, but when I initiate it, it doesn't seem to happen. even rebooting the entire Polisy doesn't resolve that part. It doesn't seem like any configuration changes i make in the PG3 settings stick at all. I *can* connect to the ISY through Finder now though, it found it automatically after the flash.
  5. Got the thing reflashed and got the ISY back online. Polyglot3 is all sorts of messed up and I can't get it to reconnect to the ISY though. I need to find out how to set that part back to factory or something.
  6. Michael responded. It sounds like I've got really old OS on it (I bought it beta era) and need to reflash it to get it up to snuff. So I'll get crackin on that when i find my msata-usb adapter!
  7. Yeah, I get the XML <root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0"> <script/> <specVersion> <major>1</major> <minor>0</minor> </specVersion> <URLBase></URLBase> <device> <deviceType>urn:udi-com:device:X_Polisy_Device:1</deviceType> <friendlyName>ISY</friendlyName> <manufacturer>Universal Devices</manufacturer> <manufacturerURL>https://www.universal-devices.com/product/polisy-pro</manufacturerURL> <modelDescription>X_Polisy_Device:1</modelDescription> <modelName/> <modelNumber>5200</modelNumber> <modelVersion>5.4.4</modelVersion> <UDN>uuid:00:0d:b9:53:da:84</UDN> <UPC>uuid:00:0d:b9:53:da:84</UPC> <serviceList> <service> <serviceType>urn:udi-com:service:X_Polisy_Service:1</serviceType> <serviceId>urn:udi-com:serviceId:uuid:00:0d:b9:53:da:84</serviceId> <SCPDURL>/services.wsdl</SCPDURL> <controlURL>/services</controlURL> <eventSubURL>/eventing</eventSubURL> </service> <service> <serviceType>UDIZWaveWebServices</serviceType> <serviceId>uuid:00:0d:b9:53:da:84-UDIZWaveWebServices</serviceId> <SCPDURL>/zwaveServices.wsdl</SCPDURL> <controlURL>/zwaveServices</controlURL> </service> </serviceList> <presentationURL>/</presentationURL> </device> </root>
  8. Thanks for trying guys, much appreciated. Ticket time!
  9. Correct, I can reach that portal. I see the ISY configured, but it fails to send even a restart control to it. I don't even get far enough to enter credentials. Yes, I can ssh to it, but the login I use for other management stuff doesn't work.
  10. Launcher appears but doesn't find any ISY/Polisy devices. Even when manually adding them it fails to find them.
  11. Yep, sure do. I can reach it through the dashboard url, but unreachable through the java console at all. Is the Polisy "on the way out"? Should I just be upgrading to the new eisy? (i haven't done enough research on it yet to determine if it is, in fact, an upgrade)
  12. I'm at a loss right now, I can't the the java console to connect to my PolISY in any way. I can reach the Polisy dashboard though. Can't get it to boot ISY. Tried all the java clean out and reinstall tricks, hard rebooted... nothing. What do I do? I see nothing useful in the wiki at this point.
  13. Yeah, it does measure in the return air plenum. The problem is my house is new construction, and the return for both of the top two floors is on the main floor, other than the small segment in the master suite, and then the basement, which is extremely low due to radon mitigation. So the majority of return air, even when the top floor zone is running, all gets pulled from the main floor or basement where humidity is lower, or nearly non existent. I agree with the sentiment of not wanting to mess up my house, but the aprilaire controller has done nothing but mess my house up. Initially, by over humidifying the second floor (while set to the lowest relative setting), because it doesn't sample properly, and now, by not humidifying at all. So literally anything is better than what it has done.
  14. The on off does sound better, I don't need the sensor input on the IOLinc really. The ISY has local weather data if I recall, I know i was using it for sunset data in the past, but I'd probably use that if it works. If not I'll have to go back to the drawing board. The Aprilaire controller never did work very well, and I don't see how a new one would do it any better - the humidity measurement is in the basement on the furnace stack, and it often would hover in the 30% range, but on the top floor where everyone was sleeping it would creep upwards of 50% according to the Insteon thermostats. I live in Minnesota, so you can imagine all the condensation and ice build up that created constantly. I am actually kind of glad this controller crapped out so that I can come up with a real solution.
  15. Yeah the Insteon Thermostat actually has humidity built in, so I think I can trigger with those variables with ISY programming. I'm just not sure what hardware to trigger the 24v solenoid. I've been digging more myself and am thinking maybe I do it directly by eliminating the original controller altogether and directly triggering the solenoid with an I/O Linc. I just haven't tried cobbling together hardware in this style yet, but hypothetically I am starting to think it'd work though. Thanks!
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