Thanks for the good info....
My point was it never said when I "activated" the remote connect it would cost until 30 days later..
VPN, numerous routers that support it.
I use a Dynamic DNS Service, but with Time Warner, my IP stays the same across modem reboots, et al, at least for a year till I replaced the Router (MAC changed of course) so there might not be a real need.
But to be complete, DHCP addresses they can, and if they do, you will loose ability to connect without DDNS.
As for Port forwarding is never secure. Even if you do a redirection Port 123 to internal Port 789. You can still SCAN and find an open port. As for VPN, you scan, find the VPN Port, but nothing is routed internally, until authenication is done.
I personally moved to OpenVPN on the router instead of PPTP, not because OpenVPN is technically more secure, but because I continued to get scans and attempts to login on 1723 (PPTP), has not happened on OpenVPN, since with OpenVPN on the router, you can do a little more config, like change the port to a non common port, I suggest up in the 65000's since most people that scan don't scan that high....usually nothing up there.... That being said, I use to poke holes for everything, but why the risk? Just VPN into the network from any mobile device and then you know no one is banging on any internal device, only on the external.
As for Routers that support OpenVPN, there are a few I know of...Asus, Some Netgear, and mostly anything that can run DDWRT, but I got tired of keeping up with DDWRT, so stick with a stock router that supports it.... Just my .02$, those that understand this probably can see by some of the detail I understand this.....