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  1. Hey Andrew77, I see what your trying to do and I think it would be pretty sweet if we can find a way to accomplish this but for right now I just run programs based on which IR code the ISY receives from my harmony. So for instance my remote has 4 misc buttons on the bottom colored green, yellow, red and blue. I simply go in to my harmony setup program and make sure that the ISY is part of the activity first. Then I simple program the remote to blast IR code 01 when red is pressed short and IR code 02 when red is pressed long. Then on my ISY I create a program that if IR code 01 is sensed to turn off the lights in the living room and if IR code 02 is sensed to dim the lights on only 40%. I just purchased the harmony Ultimate and still getting things figured out but it really cool to see all the potential things you can do with the harmony and ISY. The best part about this all is Harmony's recent integration with Alexa skills, so now you can tie an activity directly to Alexa and have a voice command to turn the activity on and off with out having to use other programs like IFTTT.
  2. So with my new commands I set up a program called living room tv off the ISY. It basically turns my HDZone on and then selects my Amazon FireTv as my input. The ISY program has no If or Else statement just a then statement that goes like this: Resource "Pioneerav.HDZoneOn' Wait 5 seconds Resource "Pioneerav.HDZoneAmazon" I called this program living room tv on the Echo and Alexa has no problem recognizing it. HINT******* I had trouble asking Alexa to run my program while my admin consul was open, just wouldn't execute the command. Once the AC was shut down Alexa performed flawlessly.
  3. Update: Setting a static IP address didn't help with preventing a soft reset on the receiver which disables the network standby command. Also I found the commands needed for a majority of Pioneer receivers, see link below: http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Support/Home-Entertainment-Custom-Install/RS-232+&+IP+Codes/A+V+Receivers
  4. Jerlands I think your right about the static IP. I just give the pioneer a static IP and asked Alexa to run a bunch of programs off the receiver. I'll wait to see what happens later tonight.
  5. So I woke up this morning to try and figure things out on how to find and control my HDZone when I noticed my receiver is no longer connected to the internet. I had to do a soft reset to get things working again. It's done this once before after I initial communicated with it via ISY. I hope this is not going to be an on going issue. Seems like the communication between my ISY and Pioneer is causing the receiver to soft reset when I turn it off after using it. This required me to use a remote to turn it in and not my app. This is annoying for me as my pioneer is in a remote location of the house and I rely heavily on the pioneer remote app to control it.
  6. Success! By bypassing the if statement and just placing a then statement for my pioneer command I can now just simply say Alexa turn Pioneer on and that command will be executed! Now I will start to get more advanced and see if I can set up a program that will turn on my HDZone and Amazon fire tv input in one command. Thanks KMan, that tip about doing a discover devices again probably saved me a whole weekend of trouble shoot.
  7. Yes, I've installed and confirmed I can control my Insteon light switches. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Actually I don't know what I'm using because during setup I connected via home connect and downloaded the UD skills too. Should I enable the UD skills?
  9. So far I've confirmed that I can control the volume of my Pioneer SC-72 via the test button under the configuration -> networking tabs. I tried to set up a program but failed to have Alexa recognize it and execute it. I can see my program pop up under the program tabs on the portal website and I gave it a simple name like Pioneer. When I ask Alexa to run Pioneer program in a variety of ways she seems to not understand. I guess maybe I should look in to my program and how I have that set up first. Any one have an idea on how I should setup a program that will increase the volume? I'm finding it difficult to use the if, then, else statements with this topic. My goal from this is to be able to ask Alexa to run program "turn tv on" and have my pioneer kick on my multizone and select input to amazon tv. This will save me the trouble of using an app to turn on the receiver every time I want to watch tv on my living room tv while de-clutering things for my wife
  10. Hello, I wanted to start this thread as a place members can discuss the topic of integrating of their network A/V receivers with Amazon Echo. The forum link below is a great place to start, Props to Chaddodes who took time to figure out how to connect to communicate to Pioneer receivers via the networking module via ISY, RussD and other members have done some extensive research to find the commands needed to tap in the Denon receivers. The link below also has a link to a full list of Pioneer command! http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/6467-how-to-interface-isy-99i-with-pioneer-receiver/ Before getting started make sure you have: 1.) ISY-i994 with portal and network modules installed and connected to your Amazon Echo. It's a good idea to make sure you test the connection by asking Alexa to control a light switch. If your having any trouble with this step please visit the links below or the pinned topics under the Amazon Echo forum. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/18015-amazon-echo-isy-step-by-step/ http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17861-amazon-echo-connected-home-feature/ 2.) Connect to your receiver using the link below and test and confirm that you can at least increase, decrease your volume under the configure -> networking -> networking resources. Using the test button on the screen confirm that your A/V receiver is changing the volume. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/6467-how-to-interface-isy-99i-with-pioneer-receiver/ 3.) Here is where the fun begins, how to set up a program that can trigger a command on the receiver via Alexa.
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