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Everything posted by RaginBajin

  1. Trying to get this setup and running and I keep getting this error. [root@automation ~]# homebridge *** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi. *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi! *** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/avahi-compat?s=libdns_sd&e=node> *** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi. *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi! *** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/avahi-compat?s=libdns_sd&e=node&f=DNSServiceRegister> [Wed Mar 16 2016 13:45:21 GMT-0400 (EDT)] Loaded plugin: homebridge-isy-js [Wed Mar 16 2016 13:45:21 GMT-0400 (EDT)] Registering platform 'homebridge-isy-js.isy-js' [Wed Mar 16 2016 13:45:21 GMT-0400 (EDT)] --- [Wed Mar 16 2016 13:45:21 GMT-0400 (EDT)] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 1 platforms. [Wed Mar 16 2016 13:45:21 GMT-0400 (EDT)] --- [Wed Mar 16 2016 13:45:21 GMT-0400 (EDT)] Loading 1 platforms... [Wed Mar 16 2016 13:45:21 GMT-0400 (EDT)] [isy-js] Initializing isy-js platform... 2016-2-3#13:45:21- Device: ZW 002 Binary Sensor type: is not specifically supported, returning generic device object. 2016-2-3#13:45:21- Device: ZW 002 Multilevel Sensor type: is not specifically supported, returning generic device object. 2016-2-3#13:45:21- Device: ZW 002 Energy Meter type: is not specifically supported, returning generic device object. 2016-2-3#13:45:21- Device: ZW 003 Repeater type: is not specifically supported, returning generic device object. 2016-2-3#13:45:21- Device: ZW 004 Repeater type: is not specifically supported, returning generic device object. 2016-2-3#13:45:21- Device: ZW 005 Binary Sensor type: is not specifically supported, returning generic device object. 2016-2-3#13:45:21- Device: ZW 005 Multilevel Sensor type: is not specifically supported, returning generic device object. 2016-2-3#13:45:21- Device: Main Floor Thermostat type: is not specifically supported, returning generic device object. 2016-2-3#13:45:21- Device: Upstairs Thermostat type: is not specifically supported, returning generic device object. /usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-isy-js/node_modules/isy-js/isy.js:404 if (response instanceof Error || response.statusCode != 200) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'statusCode' of null at Request.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-isy-js/node_modules/isy-js/isy.js:404:50) at Request.emit (events.js:98:17) at Request.mixin._fireError (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-isy-js/node_modules/restler/lib/restler.js:207:10) at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-isy-js/node_modules/restler/lib/restler.js:246:14) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:95:17) at Socket.socketOnData (http.j My config file looks likes this.. Any help... { "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge", "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30", "port": 51826, "pin": "031-45-154" }, "description": "This is an example configuration file with one fake accessory and one fake platform. You can use this as a template for creating your own configuration file containing devices you actually own.", "platforms": [ { "platform": "isy-js", "name": "isy-js", "host": "192.168.X.X", "port": "80", "username": "admin", "password": "secretpasswordshhhhdonttell", "elkEnabled": false, "useHttps": false, "debugLoggingEnabled": true, "includeAllScenes": true } ] }
  2. I just installed a BE469 and it was super easy. Connected right up to the ISY and was ready to rock in just a few minutes. Instead of bringing my old schlage lock to a locksmith, I was able to just replace the tailpiece with the one from the old one to the new one. It was easy to do and everything fit like a glove.
  3. I have bwssystems restful-harmony and the amazon-echo-ha-bridge running and seems to be working well. I can say "Alexa, turn on the TV" and it works great! The only thing I can't figured out is how do you turn it off. I know I need to use the activity "PowerOff" but how is everyone else setting that up. Do you have to setup another word such as "TV OFF" and say something like "Alexa, turn on TV Off"? What is everyone else doing?
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