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Everything posted by phikapjames

  1. OK, thanks. So to build on it. I am looking at the actual switches that turn on the lights. Three of them are SwitchLincs. The Fourth light is actually the load button on the KPL that is not a dimmer either (since all lights are CFL, I made sure I purchased the non-dimming) I didn't check the devices individually, so I'll try that tonight. I also like the "not off" approach better regardless.
  2. I seem to be having some issues getting this program to run to manage a scene that is comprised of other scenes. I've been reading the wiki, but it's starting to make my eyes cross at this point. Basic Light Scenes Setup: - I have 4 SwitchLincs that each turn on 1 flood light - I have 3 KPL that have a button for turning each of the lights on (each button is in a scene) - I have 4 Scenes that just handle turning on / off the flood light and the scene button on each of the 3 KPL. All Floods: - I also have an All Outside Lights button scene. This scene turns on / off each of the KPL buttons / SwitchLincs from the Basic Light Scenes Setup, along with an additional "All Outside Lights" button on a single KPL that is an 8 key. What I would like is to have a program that identifies if all the basic light scenes were turned on separately, then turn on the "All Outside Lights" scene. The number of times we start off with one flood light and slowly add one, then the next thing all of them are on, it would be nicer to hit the button once instead of hitting it twice to make life easier. The only problem is it doesn't work. I have it setup where if the status of all SwitchLincs are On, then to turn on the scene, but no luck. This is my program so far. The only other thing I was thinking of doing was to create a state diagram for each of the "Basic Scenes" and then do a trigger if all 4 of the state variables == 1. If Status 'Rooms / Guest Room / Back Flood Light' is 100% And Status 'Rooms / Office / Side Flood Light' is 100% And Status 'Rooms / Master Bedroom / Front Flood Light' is On <-- This is a Non-Dimming KPL And Status 'Rooms / Master Bedroom / Garage Flood Light' is 100% Then Set Scene 'All Outside Lights' Fast On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Any ideas?
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