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steve cougar

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  1. I want to replace several old lampLinks, 2456D3, with the new Dual-Band LampLinks, 2457D2. Can this be done through the "Replace" function? I've added the new Dual-Band device but don't see it listed as a possible replacement. What a PITA this is going to be if I have to manually go through all the scenes linked to my older devices! Thanks for any help!
  2. Well, Bob, aka bpwwer, has given birth to and developed an outstanding HS-ISY plugin when HS dropped all development on it's native one and he's looking into and helping me with the HS-no status change issue. I'm a bit pissed, not the first time, in the way that Smarthome develops and releases Insteon products... sometimes before they are ready for prime time. I wish they followed a firmware upgrade path like the ISY does or develop their products fully before selling them. I'm tired of being nickle and dimed to death and forced to buy an entirely new, upgraded product when they "fix" it. It's like we pay for the privilege of being their beta testers! I have the 'older' version of the t-stat adaptor which for some reason doesn't support "status" at all and to buy a new one is another 100 bucks. I may just go back to my extremely reliable RCS/Z-wave T-stat. It's a much better interface and complete control through HS. Then I wouldn't have to get soaked again buying another Smarthome adapter that maybe/maybe not be 'possibly' causing problems with my other RF devices.
  3. Hi Lee, Sorry I forgot to state that the new PLM does show up under PLM/Info Status. I had a hell of a time trying to add three motion sensors to the system and only one is added and working now. I also had an occurance where my main kitchen light was dimming, i have a scene that dims it afer midnight, going off and dimming again, repeatedly. Again, I am using HomeSeer to control some of the lighting via programs set up in HS. All of these were working perfectly with the other PLM. I have disabled them in HS but there are still problems. My Biggest issue is that there is no status updates within HomeSeer. I'm getting to the point of either putting the old PLM back in place, don't really want to though, and resetting absolutly everything back to zero and rebuilding my system.
  4. Hi Lee, It seems that the new PLM is being used but there is something else listed but not a plm. When I do a Device Links Table for my Exterior:Front Railing Lights I get the following after doing a compare: [identical] OFF8 : A2 00 18.CF.BE FF 1F 00 [ignore] OFF0 : 00 B7 1F 00 Query; Since I changed to the new dual band plm should I remove my older access points? I also installed two switchlink dual bands in my system.
  5. No the Scenes are not working. The only way to get a current status update is to manually query the entire site. I do also have a Venstar T-stat with the 2441V V2.8. I wasn't able to get the status on that T-stat before I changed the PLM but that's another issue.
  6. Hi Bob, I left a message on the HS forum as I didn't want to muddy the waters here but I forgot about your dedicated investment to both HS and the ISY. Thx. Okay, ISY 2.8.16 ISY Plugin HS Pro I in fact do now have a problem here. I installed the new 2413S in accordance with the instructions I found on the forum and Leos and Bruces help and comments confirmed that I did it correctly but something is def wrong here. I'm not getting any error messages in the HS log and I can control my lighting from HS. I have not messed with the debugging mode on the plugin yet. I did a "Restore Modem PLM" again just now and still have no status in HS. Also some of my programs and scenes are not working. I did make a backup of the ISY before changing the PLM. Should I restore the ISY from my backup? Should I change the debug mode and capture it for analysis? Steve
  7. Hi Leo, Like I said all went well and was totally painless, with the exception of seeing and deleting the PLM that was listed as a device for some reason. Programs and status changes are working and showing up like they should but, again, I'm using HomeSeer as a front end for my whole house automation system and the status is NOT changing there, yet I can control all of my lighting through HomeSeer with no problem. Thanks for your speedy reply, great advice and a successful resolution! Steve
  8. I do not see what you are referring to. I followed the instructions given the post about swapping PLMs. When the new PLM was installed I selected "Restore Modem PLM" from the choices on the "file" menu and that was it. Did I miss something? One problem I'm having is that the "Status" is not being updated under HomeSeer but that might be a fault of the plug-in so I didn't post that problem here.
  9. Okay, bit scary... thinking I'm going to delete the PLM from my system and make an appointment for a hair transplant but I did it and everything is still working and no PLM under my lighting anymore. Thanks Leo!
  10. Okay. It is where it is and I can't seem to be able to move it anywhere else. Under the "Main" tab I have "Network" and under that I have "My Estate". Each device program and scene is located under that along with the PLM.
  11. PLM WRITE FAILS Hi, I just replaced my old PLM with a new 2413S, Dual Band. The changeover went smoothly, no issues. However the icon for my PLM now constantly shows a green (1011) and every time I right click on the PLM and choose "Write Updates to the Device" I get an error that says: "Failed writing device link" PLM [-200000/-51] Everything seems to be working fine though. Any ideas? Thanks
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