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Everything posted by matapan

  1. For those of you using Z-Wave in earnest with your ISY setup, are there any Z-Wave switches that support the N-Way switching feature that Insteon switches have? Are there any good alternatives to Insteon Keypadlincs? I really like the layout and arrangement of the Keypadlinc buttons. Better than Lutron.
  2. I found the tutorial on replacing the tact switches on X10 generation Smarthome switches. They are relevant in repairing Switchlincs with bad switches. The 2477DH has only one electrolytic capacitor, fewer than the ones on the PLM. Opening up a 2477D shortly.....
  3. I've got a number of Switchlinc Dimmers with various issues, from non-responding paddles to noisy (buzzing) switches, to being outright dead. I've seen various threads over time which I can't find any more on repairs. Has anyone got some pointers on repairing these switches, both 2476D and 2477D(H)? Specifically, is it a good idea to drill out the metal rivet holding the PCB to the aluminum frame? Should this be riveted back?
  4. Thanks BrianH. In an earlier post, OberKC suggested using film capacitors to replace the low voltage capacitors to increase reliability. Is this something that is possible? Also, is there any difference between a 2413U and a 2413S other than the daughterboard? Can a daughterboard from a 2413S replace a 2413U daughterboard to make a functional 2413S, providing the daughterboard is functional? Finally, for the 2443 Access Point, is there a way to tell if the access point has stopped functioning, other than to look for the presence of a lit LED indicator?
  5. Given the length of this post, I was wondering about a couple things: For a v1.0 2413s, is the original post for component replacement still the best list to follow? How long have people found the repairs to last? Another couple of years, or longer? Is there a modification which would enable this module to last much much longer than what people were experiencing with the original unmodified module?
  6. Based on some of the posts here, may I offer several suggestions? - In the Admin Console's About Page, provide the software and firmware version of the ISY, along with the hardware information about the board installed and memory size of ISY. - In the Wiki page, provide information about any collateral impact a board upgrade may have on existing devices ISY has collected information on. Is the upgrade seamless after a board swap?
  7. Thank you all for your suggestions. I performed the capacitor replacement as it was low hanging fruit. This did the trick.
  8. The components with heat marks include the rectangular component with the inscription “15 30” on its top and the resistor to the right of this component in the image. There or no legend markings on the board which would give some clue as to what these parts are.
  9. I use a Controlinc for turning things on and off at my bedside. Recently the unit would stop working for no apparent reason. Power cycling the unit would make the device usable for a time, but the usable time has become shorter and shorter to the point where the device is unusable. i opened up the device and noticed heat marks on the PCB around two components pictured. Does anyone know what exactly what these components are and where i can find replacement parts to repair the Controlinc? Thanks.
  10. I just ran across this post. There are many IP to serial converters on the market, from single board modules you attach a wall wart power supply to and connect your network via network cable. These are available from Fry's or Jameco and run about $35. FWIW, I used about 3 of these boards for a similar application with the Network module without any issues.
  11. Thanks for all the replies. Good to know that the alarm sensor states can be used by the ISY programs directly.
  12. I purchased an ELK M1 alarm system which I plan to install in the new year. The alarm system will be outfitted with its own complement of motion and door sensors. With Insteon and ZWave motion and door sensors available, what makes the best sense for installing in the house? Are the sensors attached to an ELK panel visible to the ISY in real time when you purchase and install the ELK module? Are those sensors available to be used in scenes or programs? Or, is it better to use the Insteon or ZWave sensors in parallel with the ones already used by the alarm system? I noticed that some security alarm systems use ZWave sensors now. Is it better to go that route and integrate that type of alarm with ISY?
  13. matapan


    I am in the same boat, having just installed the ZWave board. I would suggest that for every device you add, you explicitly disassociate the device from the any ZWave network before you add it. Sounds funny, but every device I tried adding did not register with the ISY controller until I did this.
  14. Thanks, Teken.
  15. Does anyone have the jumper setting information for this early version motion sensor? My understanding is that the jump setting definition changed going from v1.x to 2.x. I have a MS v 1.1. Thanks.
  16. EZX10RF converts your wireless X10 signals to an Insteon command sent to an Insteon device you map the X10 command to. It's useful for applications like Homelink, where you want to either activate a scene, run a program or toggle an Insteon device triggered by the wireless X10 command. If you have a X10 motion sensors, it's a cheap way of checking occupancy in any area of your home.
  17. I'm using an EZX10RF X10 to Insteon gateway. Sometimes, I add a node to the device tree for a specific house and device code that doesn't work right. Is there a way to get rid of these nodes without getting rid of all the nodes under the gateway device? This would be very useful. Right now, I just mark the wonky node 'unused'.
  18. Thanks for all the feedback, especially your post, paulbates. This was very helpful. I should clarify my post. I have an ISY994i, not an ISY99i. Hopefully my error is useful to some who actually have an ISY99i.
  19. I think a list of the Insteon devices added to the list of ones supported would be useful. Also, it would be most useful to provide a brief explanation of how the security enhancements are useful to the average user, with any instructions on how to use them, if they are not transparent to the user. I understand many of these enhancements are improvements to assist the developer/integrator community. But where relevant, some of this information is useful to general ISY users too.
  20. Is there any sort of abbreviated summary of functional improvements and bug fixes between major ISY firmware releases? From what I can see, the list of changes is summarized by each incremental release, and it pretty granular.
  21. I picked up one of these thermostats at a good price recently. I did a search in the forums to see if there are any issues with this thermostat and ISY-99. Are there any major issues currently to be aware of as it relates to using this version thermostat in an ISY-99 setup?
  22. Can someone provide some information as to what the Schedule button does? Can one modify the existing schedule programming built into the thermostat? Or, can one obtain the scheduled programming information from the thermostat to create ISY programs that don't get overridden by the thermostat's own programming if the thermostat is left in the Program mode? Which thermostats and/or interfaces are supported with this functionality? Thanks.
  23. I have a 2441V thermostat adapter, v2. Before posting this question, I checked the Wiki and found no reference to this button. Can you point me to the page where I can read about this? If the button is not supported for my particular setup, would it make more sense to disable or hide the button, or throw up a context specific error message which indicates this functionality is not supported for the device selected?
  24. Hi there, I noticed in the latest UI/Firmware version installed that there's a new button called "Schedule" which appears under the Thermostat device adapter node. It doesn't function for me; I get a subscriber no reply error when the button is pressed. What's the function of this button?
  25. Thanks everyone. LeeG, thanks for the pointer about running on Windows. I tried the same reference to /rest/programs in Firefox and obtained more complete information. I'll bet others were scratching their head about what I was talking about! Takeaway: Don't use Safari for communicating with the REST interface interactively on a Mac.
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