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Everything posted by twired

  1. Turned out I had a similar problem once before. A simple unplug the power and restart fixed it.
  2. Never had this problem before. The IoX launcher does not find the eisy. On UD Mobile it connects, but using the IoX Launcher on my Windows computer shows blank. I have cleared the Java cache and reloaded the launcher from the website, with no change.
  3. Thank you paulbates! Given my comfort level with the old ISY, I never even realized polyglot was installed and plugins available. I have set up notifications through UD mobile and all is working. I am so glad to not have to mess with ATT and email to TXT.
  4. Does the plug in require polyglot? I have not installed it and have 0 experience with it. Just an old long time isy/eisy user. Reluctant to jump into that unless it is fairly straightforward.
  5. I have tried both txt and mms with no success, from multiple email addresses. And my previous experience working with ATT seems futile. Any other alternatives? Does UD support messages initiated from programs, or only system messages? I cannot find any documentation on that.
  6. Over the last week email-to-text has stopped working on ATT. This happens no matter where the email is initiated, not just eisy. It appears this is not a unique problem. I have set up a unique ATT email in eisy address for the text message. Had gmail before and ran into problems there as well. The system rarely triggers a message except when I am testing new programs. Does anyone know a fix or good alternative? I am currently not a Polyglot user, so plug-ins may be too complex. Open to suggestions.
  7. After firmware update and disabling programs to run at restart, the problem seems to have gone away for now at least. I have ordered new open/close sensor and IOLink from Insteon and am waiting for it to arrive. I will install those, and install a voltage regulator to assure IOLInk sees 5v vs 12V. Also will rewrite programs as suggested by paulbates. After all that if the issue arises again I will submit a ticket on potential system reboots. I went back thru the event log and saw that on July 23 (while traveling) when this happened the first time, it triggered 7 times in 9 hours before I could disable the all the associated programs thru UDMobile. Since re-enabling the programs in early Aug it has happened twice. Was there anything crazy going on with eisy's or portal on July 23? Still perplexed, but very appreciative of all the help provided!
  8. Ok. Several programs were set to run at restart. I have disabled those. Is there any condition when a program should run at re-start? One of the programs is probably the culprit. I have an override program that turns the security program off when a certain button is pushed. It was set to run at restart. That has been disabled to not run at restart. But none of the IF conditions were true at restart. So not sure this is the smoking gun However if the issue is caused by a restart, that begs the question, why does my system keep restarting randomly? Is there a way to see history on when the eisy restarts? The re-boot today after firmware upgrade show starting exactly 1 min before the message and light on/off issue happened. I think we are on to something. Thanks so much for your help. Hopefully we can determine the reason of restarts and solve that as well. I really appreciate your expertise and help.
  9. paulbates, thanks for your feedback. I will make the change to control vs. status and test it. As for the 150 times, I am flashing llights for that many times before stopping the flashing. Good point on putting them in a scene. That is much more straight forward. But I do not see how those changes will address the random Else trigger unless as IndyMike suggested, the IOLinc is doing a random very fast On/off creating a jumble of traffic. But it appears not really random, always happening at xx:02. Still perplexed.
  10. I have upgraded the firmware. Interesting...exactly 1 min after the reboot finished (as shown in system status), the Else section of the program triggered. Could this somehow be related to the eisy rebooting periodically? IndyMike, I agree, no idea how this Else is triggered. To answer your questions: 1. I am making the assumption that only Else triggered based on no email, not lights turning on/off, etc. 2. No other program calls the ELSE. 3. No query program on IOLinc. Here is what the log showed when it triggered after reboot. The actions are directly from the ELSE section other than the last Hall Cans-Den-3-way Off command. No idea what is causing that.
  11. Geddy, thanks for the reply. I will update the firmware in the next couple of days. I have had some conflicts arise here. I ordered a door sensor today and will replace that as well. Even with new battery and restore, still no heartbeat. The really perplexing thing is the ELSE triggering on the security program, and the timing of the triggers. I will be back on here after firmware update. Thanks
  12. In the ISY944, there would be a message in the header that a new release was available for upgrade. I do not see this in the Eisy. What is the best way to find out when new firmware upgrade is needed? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
  13. Additional information. Whenever the programs trigger it is xx:02. (ie 5:02, 10:02, etc.) Even in July they were always at xx:02, but not every hour. Program is shown below: Alarm IO Sensor triggered If 'Alarm Sensor IO Linc' Status is On Then Send Notification to 'Email TD & EDD' content 'Alarm alert' Send Notification to 'Text TD & EDD' content 'Alarm alert' Repeat 150 times Set 'Hall Cans - Den- 3-way' Fast On Set 'Front Lights' Fast On Set 'Dining Nook Switch' On Set 'Master Bed Lamp 2024replace' Fast On Set 'Rear Patio Floods' Fast On Set 'Nook - 8 button - A -Sitting ' Fast On Set 'Hall - 8 button - A - Courtya' Fast On Set 'Hall Cans - Den- 3-way' Fast Off Set 'Front Lights' Fast Off Set 'Dining Nook Switch' Fast Off Set 'Master Bed Lamp 2024replace' Fast Off Set 'Rear Patio Floods' Fast Off Set 'Nook - 8 button - A -Sitting ' Fast Off Set 'Hall - 8 button - A - Courtya' Fast Off Else Set 'Hall Cans - Den- 3-way' Off Set 'Front Lights' Off Set 'Dining Nook Switch' Off Set 'Master Bed Lamp 2024replace' Off Set 'Rear Patio Floods' Fast Off Set 'Nook - 8 button - A -Sitting ' Off Set 'Hall - 8 button - A - Courtya' Off Send Notification to 'Text TD & EDD' content 'Alarm sensor off ' Set 'Hall Cans - Den- 3-way' On Set 'Front Lights' On Set 'Dining Nook Switch' On Wait 10 minutes Set 'Hall Cans - Den- 3-way' Off Set 'Front Lights' Off Set 'Dining Nook Switch' Off
  14. I am having a very similar problem. I/O Link connected through a relay to my siren output on the alarm panel. While out of town in mid-July, every hour I would get 2 messages from different programs. One indicated that I had no heartbeat on a door open/close sensor. Immediately afterward I would get a message that is only sent when the alarm program ELSE section is triggered. The IF program did not trigger. I remotely disabled the programs. When I returned, I tested everything and re-enabled the programs. Yesterday the same thing started again. Happened at 5:20 Pm and at 10:02 AM today. I have confirmed that there is no heartbeat on the door sensor and that only the ELSE section of the Secuity alarm program is triggered. I have read thru all of the help provided to Arzoo, and have narrowed down (I think) to 3 questions. Do I replace the door sensor? Could be providing similar issue to the motion detectors mentioned above. Do I replace the I/O link? Described as failure prone above. I am currently on 5.8.0 firmware. Would upgrading firmware help? Any help and advice is appreciated.
  15. Thanks! That was simple and it worked. Still learning on the eisy and wanted to be careful.
  16. I had a brief power outage yesterday and received a message that the eisy was back online. Today I tried to access the eisy and the launcher does not find it. I still have my old ISY994 powered (as a reference for program updates only) and the launcher finds it, but now the eisy will not show up. I have cleared java cache, manually removed the launcher to make sure. Still no luck. Do I ned to reboot the eisy. If so, how?
  17. Ok. Well, I did another delete/reinstall before I saw your latest post and it is now communicating and working correctly. If it fails again I will do what you suggested above. Thanks again for your help.
  18. Sensor was installed as you described. PLM is 2413S, installed about 2-3 weeks ago. Bridges pass the 4-tap test. Thanks for continuing to help solve this issue.
  19. I have multiple switches and plug-in modules within 5 ft. My understanding is that these act as repeaters (correct?). Plus this thing worked flawlessly for years and now (after migration) is not working the same.
  20. Yes, I carefully followed the instructions for a PLM replacement. After deleting and replacing the apparently corrupted devices, I am about 85% back up and running. A couple of things still seem strange, but I can live it, or continue to troubleshoot. I am concerned to do a replace modem procedure now that I have migrated to the EISY and made the changes just mentioned. Not sure how everything got so corrupted to start with. And honestly not sure why I made the upgrade to EISY. I thought I was future-proofing...
  21. I did a complete delete / factory reset / re-install. It worked fine when close to EISY or multiple other locations. However, when I put it back on the patio where it has been working for years, it is not communicating on/off status to the EISY. I even put another new battery in with same result. Looks like I have a worn out motion detector, or the EISY is not as capable as the ISY994 with motion detectors. But all my other RF devices work fine, so I doubt that is the case. Thanks Do you agree it is time for a new MS or is there something else to try?
  22. After entering a ticket, it appears that when I swapped out the PLM a couple of weeks ago, the link tables got all messed up. I am now going through the long slow process of deleting and reinstalling all the corrupted devices. Thanks to you guys for replying. Looks like Techman was on the right trail. Unfortunately, while I have been using the ISY for 10 years, I have never become well versed in link tables etc.
  23. Migrated from ISY994 v4.9.0 to eisy v5.8.0. ISY backup was current. All EISY updates were completed before migration. I have multiple lights coming on that are NOT part of the scene. I have done restores on all of the lights that should not come on as well as the two 8-button switches involved. I have not done a restore for all of the lights that are coming on correctly since I assume the links for those should be correct. But nothing has changed. The lights that are not part of the scene continue to come on. In fact, a new light has now started coming on as well. I am not experienced with troubleshooting link tables, so I am not making much progress. I assume things got corrupted in the migration process that appeared to go smoothly initially.
  24. EISY version 5.8.0 MS II (2844-222) Battery is new. It is hard to tell. When pressing the set button the status changes on the system, but when motion detected, green light on MS flashes, but status does not always show. Just now it showed no status on the system, but when pressing the set button the status would show.
  25. I am saving the same problem as several other posts where motion sensor will not show status after detecting motion and therefore will not activate a program to run. It worked fine on the ISY994, but now will connect briefly then status disappears. I have not changed any settings on the MS since the migration to eisy. I have read multiple posts on this, but have not found one with a solution. Please let me know if a solution is available.
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