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Everything posted by twired

  1. After migrating from ISY994 v4.9.0 to eisy v5.8.0 several scenes appear corrupted. When scene is turned on, lights that are not part of the scene turn on as well. When reviewing the scene in the admin console, they appear correct. That also creates problems for some of the programs. Please help me figure out next steps.
  2. Thanks much for your reply. After a few minutes it started working correctly. I think I did not give the MS enough time to stabilize with new battery, or I did not reset the linking correctly with 2 presses of "set" button. In any case it is now working correctly. Thanks
  3. After replacing battery in Motion Detector (2844-222), it will not show status changes when motion detected. I have done factory reset and removed/re-added it to the ISY. I can query it, change option settings, and query the low battery status, but the ISY will not show changes from motion detection (on/off). Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I have found strange entries in my event log. Instead of the % of brightness, I have the numbers 114 and 89. These only show sometimes and are always listed with two 2477D's. I have the system a good while, but have never seen this before. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  5. I checked Spam initially and again after my tests yesterday. Nothing there. I will open a ticket. Thanks.
  6. I tested the email settings again using the DEFAULT email setting. The error log showed the following. Having not used error logs before, I am not sure how to use this for troubleshooting. Please assist. Thanks much! Tue 2018/10/16 03:41:33 AM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Tue 2018/10/16 10:46:33 AM System -10011 n/a Tue 2018/10/16 10:51:23 AM System -170001 [UDSockets] RSub:31 error:6 Tue 2018/10/16 10:51:28 AM System -5012 29 Tue 2018/10/16 10:51:39 AM System -5012 30
  7. My ISY994i is no longer sending emails using the default SMTP settings. It used to work fine, and I have not made any changes. Any suggestions how to troubleshoot?
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