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Everything posted by 3gdigital

  1. I have started to notice automation tasks and requests via the ISY994i not working. I can turn lights on and off by the switch, but if I try to use the web interface the only way it will work is with fast on or fast off. The ISY complains that it cannot communicate with devices. Does this mean my PLM modem has died? Thanks.
  2. I am trying to setup a direct link to the camera on my isy, but I am having troulbe passing credentials. I have tried both commands with no success. proceded by http:// user:password@ or Is anyone aware of the correct syntax, I would not find it on the wiki anywhere. Thank you.
  3. Thanks for the link, but it does not address the question, the link looks like a discussion for Universal-Devices to create there own PLM device, which is cool. That being said I no longer have a hub because it failed, so I switched to the ISY w/serial PLM. When I did use the hub I was able to access via tcp using an interface I created with LinuxMCE, in addition to direct TCP socket using perl on a linux box. The hub accepted all commands that could be sent via tty with the serial PLM modem (linking, database updates etc.). I just thought it would be great to be able to open a socket to the hub via tcp rather than via serial only this would give access to people who already own the hub, but would like more advance controls.
  4. Does anyone know if there are plans to integrate the insteon hub as a controler in addition to the 2413S? It would only require a tcpip connection to port 9761 and the commands work the same as the 2413s.
  5. The options are as follows: Venstar t1700 with the insteon Thermostat module 2441v. 0 = off 1 = heat 2 = cool 3 = Auto Thanks for the nudge in the right direction LeeG.
  6. My apologies I mistakenly typed the command in the first post without the "nodes", but in fact tested it with "nodes". http://xxx.xxx.xxx/rest/nodes/xxxx xx x/CLIMD/HEAT/ turn mode to HEAT? The above command gives the following response but does not change the mode: <properties><property id="CLIMD" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="n/a"/></properties> It is the same result as if I had typed the command without "HEAT" at the end. Thanks again for the suggestions.
  7. I have been reading through the Dev SDK documentation, and the Wiki for rest commands. Lighting seems to be well documented and works great, but I am having issue with controlling the thermostat. I understand it as having to be formatted with the following syntax: http://xxx.xxx.xxx/rest/node/xxxx xx x/CLISPH/74 set heat to 74? or http://xxx.xxx.xxx/rest/node/xxxx xx x/CLIMD/HEAT turn mode to HEAT? Neither one of the commands works. Can anyone share an example of how to turn the thermostat to heat or cool and set the temp? Thank you.
  8. Thanks for the replys. I will give it a shot tonight.
  9. I believe you can use the camera option on the ISY web page and access that through an ssl connection. I am still configuring my ISY so I have not tried it yet, but it works from inside on the local lan. I generally run all my cameras through zoneminder, which provides an ssl connection.
  10. I currently have a program to trigger a text notification for my garage door when the Garage sensor is status off or on. If Status 'Garage-Sensor' is off and $GarageDoorOpen is 0 Then Send Notification 'Text' content 'GarageDoorOpen' $GarageDoorOpen =1 Set 'OutdoorModule' On $Garage_Light_On = 1 Wait 10 Minutes Set 'OutdoorModule' Off $Garage_Light_On = 0 Else The notification works fine, but also triggers the following program which causes two text messages. I assumed since the time is stated in the if statement this program it would not trigger, but it does. Am I missing something? Time is 9:00pm And (Status 'Garage-Sensor' is off And $Garage_Light_On is 0 And $GarageDoorOpen is 1 ) Then Set 'GarageRelay' On $GarageDoorOpen =0 Else Send Notification 'Text' content 'GarageDoorOpen' Thanks.
  11. Here is an example of how I added a live streaming zoneminder Camera to my ISY994i. 1. Access the isy via http and login. 2. Click New Camera 3. Change Brand to "Other" 4. Enter the following: http://MyZoneminderServerAddress.com(IPaddress)/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=single&monitor=3&scale=100&user=MyUser&pass=MyPassword You will need to modify the following within the url: MyZoneminderAddress.com to you fqdn, or server ip address : Allows access to the zoneminder Server Monitor= : change the number to point to the camera you wish to monitor within zoneminder. Scale= : is the percentage to scale the picture User= : must change to the zoneminder username used to login pass= : change to your password 5. Press Ok Note: The username must have at least view access to the monitors you would like to stream. Hope someone finds this helpful.
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