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  1. Finally got it to link; took about 20 ISY reboots and then linking it by address...
  2. Regular. Maybe 30 devices, counting the 8-keypads as 1 device
  3. 1) start linking 2) Hold down the little button on the switch until it beeps 3) Usually this is where the new switch appears on the ISY console 4) Go check the level 3 event log
  4. I've tried holding the link button down on the switch to start linking after the "start linking" bar went away I've tried to pull out the switch air gap to power off the switch, then tried again I moved the 2635-222 next to it, then tried #1 again Power cycled the ISY
  5. UI is also 5.3.4. No green/grey icons I have lots of devices, most are dual band I tried moving a 2635-222 right next to the switch to help with range The new device is a 2477S I set level 3 in event viewer - not seeing anything after the "start linking" entry. I'm suspicious it's not a device issue but an ISY issue. It used to be when I hit "start linking" it would start right away - this 3 minute wait for the start linking % to get to 100 is a new thing.
  6. When I start linking from the admin console, the "linking" progress bar takes a long time to get to 100% (3 minutes?). When it's done, trying to link my devices doesn't register on the console. I started on 5.3.0, trying 5.3.4 now same issue. There's nothing in the event viewer other than "start insteon device linking mode"
  7. After upgrading from 4.9 to 5.3.0, most of my programs are showing as "red" and aren't running. Am I missing something new with the new version to get these old automations running?
  8. I wasn't talking about the Harmony - I was asking if the HA-bridge can do it. It does have a REST API, but I didn't see any commands in the documentation to trigger harmony actions (only GET list of devices, etc).
  9. Is there a REST command to have the HA-bridge trigger a harmony activity? Something like PUT LOCALHOST:8080/api/devices/harmony/activities/TV??
  10. Is anyone using "Netflix" as a Name in the hue bridge? Echo is fine with "Turn on Netflix" but won't take "Turn off Netflix" - at least for me.
  11. Perfect. thanks!
  12. I wasn't clear on this from the wiki - I want to make a program that IF it's dark out AND either one of two zones is violated THEN turn on some lights. IF Time between dusk and dawn AND (Zone 1 violated OR zone 2 violated) Not sure how to get the AND/OR correct. Probably something with the AND (...) buttons but wasn't sure how to get this to work. Thanks!
  13. See if you can get "Jarvis" as the name.
  14. It seems ok with a device.db file of just []
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