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  1. bgrubb1's post in Program tab slow to init and slow to respond was marked as the answer   
    -      If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE).
    -      Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following:
    o   -Xmx512m
    -      Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes
  2. bgrubb1's post in PG3x Migration Issues was marked as the answer   
    Reboot doesnt seem to work right on Polisy
    Unplug and plug back in
  3. bgrubb1's post in Hikvision NVR camera widget was marked as the answer   
    if as you say, its a NVR and connected to a DVR you will need to adress the DVR
    In my case I had to enable on the DVR then...
    Also notice  Linux is case sensitive
  4. bgrubb1's post in Polisy won’t boot after power outage was marked as the answer   
    I had a similar failure
    Replace the power supply
  5. bgrubb1's post in Admin Console won't load programs was marked as the answer   
    Admin Console is very slow or hangs
    If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE). Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following: -Xmx512m Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes
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