I'm currently on ISY 4.5.1, and just install Insteon 2441TH. I have a simple Honeywell thermostat with 5 wires. After install it seems OK (it was in the morning so I did not test the AC yet). I link the 2441TH with ISY and start program it. By noon, when the temperature rises the thermostat. turned on in Cool mode, and about 5 minutes later I smell like it's heat mode not cool mode. I turn the thermostat to Off and wait for the fan to stop. I double check all the wiring again, disable all the program that I have then lower the temperature to test. Same thing after about 5-7 minutes I smell like heat is on not A/C I let it run for about 5-10 minutes and the ambien temperature rises. Turn off the fans and confirm there is something wrong with the Insteon.
I re-install the old thermostat, and set to cool. When the fan runs I feel the cool air coming out and not the heat.
My wires are:
Blue © -> 24COM (Common 24V)
Red -> 24RH (Power 24)
White -> W1 (Heat 1)
Green -> G (Fan)
Yellow -> Y1 (Cooling 1)
Does anybody runs into the same problem?
Any ideas on how to resolve this?