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Everything posted by Josshe

  1. Michel, Thank you for your kindness, patience and understanding. I sent the request to the email address. I've purchase well over $1500.00 in z-devices which cover all but a few wall receptacles. So I don't see Insteon in the near future unless the wife is unaware and actually doesn't monitor my credit card charges...
  2. Michel, Thank you for your reply. I'm guessing that the ISY recently adopted z-wave support and it's primary function is Insteon... I did not realize this at the I made the purchase. (still no regrets). However, I have no intentions of migrating to Insteon any time soon but wondered if there was a way to distinguish what works with z-wave and what doesn't? It's a bit frustrating to open a folder on the MAIN tab in the Admin interface and see the option 'ALL ON & ALL OFF' but that has no effect on z-wave so i'm guessing it's for Insteon. Which leads me to the question, would there be a way to squelch the extensive Insteon menus for a z-wave only user? Or should this best be posted on the request or idea forum. Please forgive me if this post is out of place.
  3. Any idea when the Siren will be fully supported???
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