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Everything posted by scotskicker

  1. Thanks, Paul. I must have missed that original post on the bug. Looks to be an easy fix.
  2. Today, I added some new Insteon switches to my home. After getting them setup through the ISY Portal and discovering them with the Alexa App on my iphone, I noticed that in the app I now see someone else's smart home devices. Not only that, but they appear to be French? The disabled devices say they are connected via UDI. I have checked my device/program/scene list on Admin. Console and on the ISY Portal and do not see these devices which are not mine, but I can see them on the Alexa App and can possibly turn them on, off, dim, and brighten. I have started disabling these devices through the app, but now I'm a little bit worried about what is going on here. I'm wondering if I can see their devices, can the see or control mine? I have not figured out how to remove them completely from the Alexa app. Here is a short list of disabled devices (presumably french): balcon, cin arr, cin av, entree, sdb (salle de bain - bathroom) lavabo, ilot, locker, neon, vest, first floor (thermostat etage) and second floor (thermostat). This literally looks like someone's smarthome that I may or may able to control.
  3. I'm having a similar issue. Admin Console shows ISY Portal offline but registered. ISY Portal shows device as offline as well. I checked my connections thinking maybe the kids unplugged a cable or something and then refreshed the portal several times. All connections look good, did a reboot of ISY with no luck. Then tried to update to latest firmare 4.5.1 thinking that might do the trick. Still nothing. Gave up for tonight. Submitted a help desk ticket with error log. Many thanks in advance for any insight on the issue.
  4. Ok, I got this resolved now. I too had problems with PayPal and needed to update some info. Got echo to control some lights in the house which was amazingly easy.
  5. I've tried the last two nights to purchase the ISY Portal module, so I can try out my new Amazon Echo and existing GC itach. I've went through the steps through the Admin. Console getting redirected to the purchase page, I've added the module to cart, updated all info, went through paypal, and when I finally click checkout, I am getting a "Sorry there is a timeout. Please try again." I've kept trying to no avail. Maybe someone has had a similar issue or can someone from UD help me out on this one. The excitement cannot be contained over here. Thanks in advance for the help.
  6. This is now resolved. I restored my backup and I am up and going. Now time to READ the ISY wiki on port forwarding, and get a crash course on http commands. Thanks everyone for all the help on this, it a great community here filled with a lot knowledge. I typically read alot of posts but don't comment or share, but I have a feeling that with some of the projects I have planned I might be posting more often.
  7. I couldn't see my ISY in my router's attached devices, but I think I made some progress. I changed my subnet mask, and changed my ip address, I did was it at somethign like 192.168.xxx, now it is showing as 10.0.0.xxx. I reboot the ISY and I guess now I need to restore from a backup. I am in the Admin Console now. So I am thinking that I will change my IPs back to the 192.168.xxx first on the ISY and then change it in the router settings? Seem to be making some progress here.
  8. The ISY eprom returned "The server at isy can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address." DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN I tried changing my subnet mask to zeros and my router gives me the error "IP address is conflicted with WAN IP subnet, please enter again".
  9. I am still new to using the ISY994i, but have had great luck starting with some scenes and programs. Recently I decided to try to configure my ISY settings so that I could access the ISY from outside my LAN and now my router is not recognizing it as connected to the network, however my scheduled scenes are still running. I can't access the Admin Console either, as it cannot find the ISY. I think my problem is that when I changed the internet settings on the ISY configuration, I used the Internet IP address etc. from my ISP instead of the LAN IP? Hopefully that makes some sense, although I didn't explain it very well. How can I access the admin console and change these settings when my network will not find the ISY? This is really bothering me since I just bought some new dimmers and contact sensors and I can't do anything cool with them! Much thanks in advance. Casey
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