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  1. Yes, but that's not what I want to do. The Sw is assigned to a light in the MBR, and single-ON or single-OFF controls that light (only). I want to get double-duty out of the switch by making it control the scene with a double-tap.
  2. I am new to the ISY and I'm feeling my way by seeing how other people did things in the other forum sections. Based on one of those posts, I'm trying something which is fairly simple and should work, but doesn't. I wonder if someone can offer some assistance? First, I set up a scene consisting of the three Insteon devices in my master bedroom: Using the ON and OFF buttons on the ISY admin screen turns the scene and all of its devices on and off as you would expect, so the scene itself works. My goal is to create a program that will watch for the human to double tap the bottom (FAST OFF) of the switch nearest the doorway and turn the MBR scene off. I plan to do similar programs for switches in other areas of the house. Here is the program: The program is quite simple but just doesn't work. The problem is that the double tap is not recognized by the program, and only the specific light controlled by the switch turns off when you double tap it. Can anyone offer any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  3. Sorry, double post
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